Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa httpss://www.omna.org/
Greetings to you magnificent beings of light, we honour and love you in this moment and always. Our purpose is to awaken the bliss of the Creator within you, to encourage you to move into the natural vibrations of love of your being and beyond, embodying the bliss of the Creator.
To embody the bliss of the Creator is to experience the liberation, ecstasy, and peace of all that is the Creator. In doing so you are as one with the Creator, all separation dissolves and you see yourself as an integrated consciousness with the awareness and realisation of the Creator.
To seek bliss within your being and within others is a beautiful goal, however, to realise you are an embodiment of bliss is a far more rewarding experience. It is through an embodiment of love that the source of bliss within you can be accessed. Bliss is your inner happiness, magic an d the perfection of the Creator, it is healing, awakening, transformational and uplifting.
We, the Celestial White Beings, invite you to rest your attention within the source of unconditional love within your being. As you rest in this most sacred aspect of yourself which unites you as one with the Creator, we invite you to breathe deeper into love with the intention of becoming as one with the vibration of love within your being. As you practice this, there will come a moment when there is a surge of energy which fills your entire being, it could be likened to excitement erupting through your being.
This will be you connecting with the presence of bliss within your being, uniting your consciousness with the Creator and experiencing the pleasure of union with the Creator. This practice can be achieved often, in doing so it will gain momentum and power within your being, enhancing your experience of love, bliss, and divine union with the Creator. You may find tha t your understanding of who you are as a spiritual being develops as well as your awareness of and link to the Creator.
The vibration of bliss is immensely healing as it holds the codes, templates, and blueprints of the Creator’s truth and the truth of the Creator. When you call upon our energies, the Celestial White Beings to download into your being and support your ascension, we will always share with you the energy of bliss and activate bliss within your being.
Thus, we are activating codes, templates, and blueprints of truth which will awaken knowingness, remembrance, and clarity within all aspects of your being. This enables illusion to dissolve and a clearer understanding of yourself and the Creator to develop. In truth, the vibration of bliss restores and reactivates your alignment with the Creator within your entire being.
Shift into the Perception of Your Enlightenment
Bliss is the vibration and frequency that many souls experience as they truly awaken to the Creator; they describe the experience as enlightenment. Enlightenment is an embodiment and experience that many souls progressing along their spiritual pathways seek. The quest for enlightenment becomes so intense and important that they forget they are already an embodiment of enlightenment. They also forget to realise that each awakening and self or Creator realisation that occurs on their pathway to enlightenment is the presence of enlightenment residing within them.
It is very rare that enlightenment is embodied like a lightning bolt, instead, enlightenment is your companion revealing itself to you slowly and surely with each moment of your life. When you recognise enlightenment as your companion gradually awakening within you rather than an experience you se ek, your perception of your enlightenment and spiritual evolutions alters.
Thus, your experience of your physical reality, spiritual growth, and union with the Creator shifts to a space of truth rather than illusion. It is often that even within your spiritual evolution illusion can be present, this allows the mind to grasp concepts which cannot be explained, the mind always wishes to understand and yet this isn’t always the way of spiritual evolution.
To know, trust and hold focus offers a far greater union with the Creator, as to understand encourages you to delve deeper into illusion, trying to liken the Creator to your personality. The more you recognise and embody vibrations and frequencies of the Creator, so the illusion can disappear as a connection and union has been made, allowing awakening to continue with less illusion.
Many souls believe that enlightenment is to understand the Universe of the Creator. This is not the case, enlightenment is to know yourself as a soul existing in a physical reality and as an aspect of the Creator. It is this awareness which liberates your being, creates fulfilment and happiness. However, your fulfilment and happiness are already within your being and do not require the experience of enlightenment to be activated or embodied.
The Awakening of Enlightenment
The energy we, the Celestial White Beings, are distributing now, especially to the Earth, is to support the awakening of enlightenment. We are gifting pockets of light from the core of our energy to those who wish to receive. The pockets of our energy will hold the vibrations of bliss, the codes, templates, and blueprints of bliss as well as our pure consciousness and wisdom.
Our pockets of energy can be received into your Soul Star Chakra to synthesis with your soul and entire being, or they can be received directly into your soul to synthesis at a deep level and filter throughout your being. You can receive as many pockets of energy to awaken enlightenment as you feel is appropriate. Each pocket of our energy holds the same vibrations and consciousness, however, the more you download the energy the more it activates and awakens your inner enlightenment, as well as your realis ation of enlightenment.
To receive the pocket of awakening enlightenment in your Soul Star Chakra:
‘Celestial White Beings, please bring forth to me your pockets of awakening enlightenment. I choose to receive this sacred energy and awakening within my Soul Star Chakra. May the energy fill my Soul Star Chakra merging with the presence of my soul and distributing throughout my being at a physical and energetic level. May the energy of bliss penetrate my being, awakening the presence of bliss already within me.
Let me bathe in the vibrations of bliss, feeling the benefits and upliftment of this sacred energy. In receiving the pocket of energy and light from the Celestial White Beings, I allow myself to realise, awaken and embody my unique energy of enlightenment within me. I allow myself to rest and bathe in my inner enlightenment recognising it fully. Celestial White Beings please support me, awaken my inner clarity and ability to see, sense and acknowledge th e truth. Thank you.’
To receive the pocket of awakening enlightenment directly into your Soul:
‘Celestial White Beings, please bring forth to me your pockets of awakening enlightenment. I choose to receive this sacred energy and awakening directly into my soul. May the energy of the Celestial White Beings synthesis with my soul creating a shift and awakening at the very core of my being. Let this shift vibrate throughout my entire being moving subtly and easily, connecting as one with all that I am.
‘The enlightenment of my soul stirs from the core of my being and penetrates my entire being, divinely influencing and inspiring me to more fully realise the divine consciousness and awareness I embody. Through the synthesis of the pocket of awakening enlightenment with my soul, I experience a deeper connection and unite with my soul, understanding all that I AM. Celestial White Beings please support me, awaken my inner clarity and ability to see, sense and acknowle dge the truth. Thank you.’
Simply take time to observe and experience the process unfolding within your being. It is possible to use both invocations on separate occasions as they offer a different level of embodiment. The first brings enlightenment and awakening into your physical body and awareness, the second allows a deeper connection with your soul and an activation of enlightenment from the core of your being, while still experiencing embodiment at all levels of your being.
In bliss always,
The Celestial White Beings