Michael once said to me that I’d seen enough of what I don’t want in life to know what I want.
That probably could be said about most lightworkers because most of us were given a crash course in what life can be like on Planet Earth.
The number of lightworkers suffering from serious and/or chronic illnesses seems larger than the population as a whole.
In the wider world as well as in the lightworker world, the number of women who’ve been sexually abused – and now we hear, children – is astronomical. (I feel quite guided in using the word.)
How could we as a society keep all of that hushed up for so long? What kind of a strong denial or lethargy factor have we as a society that we would allow such crimes to happen around us?
If we’re denying, why are we denying? If we’re lethargic, why are we lethargic?
Or are we so naive as to avoid a story because someone has attached the label “conspiracy theorist” to it? How strong is the voluntary-blindness factor?
The two reinforce each other. Out of our denial or lethargy, we remain blind. Remaining blind, we deny and stay lethargic.
Time for us to slumber no longer. There are changes being made in our world as we speak. Out of this creative chaos will come a new world.
I’m willing to go first in saying what I don’t want to see any longer.
I don’t say this as an act of arrogance. I say it as an act of taking personal responsibility for the condition of our planet and a willingness to speak out about it.
In our world, I don’t want to see any longer:
(1) The sexual exploitation of any Being.
(2) The continued dominion in any field of endeavor or relationship of any exploitative hierarchy. Their removal from power, together with any and all oppressive social customs and mores dictated by them or adopted into the culture from them. Examples: Patriarchy, Nazism, Communism, Capitalism, many religious codes.
(3) The resolution of any dispute by physical strength, rather than sincere negotiation and ethical adjudication.
(4) The slaughter of animals.
(5) The degradation of the environment. Taxing the planet and passing along to future generations the problem of clean-up.
(6) All belief systems based on the notion of seemingly-separate selves struggling for survival amid seeming scarcity.
Spiritual abundance – or spiritual currency, as Michael calls it – is equal to higher-dimensional love. Spiritual abundance leads to physical abundance, according to the law of above and below, within and without.
Spiritual abundance won’t persist unless shared. That’s so because the love that it is cannot exist if confined or enchained; it must flow.
Having gotten that off my chest, I feel better. But I also need to express what I do want to see in our world:
(1) The amelioration of living conditions and the equalization of remuneration and other working conditions around the globe. The ending of poverty, homelessness, illiteracy, man-made epidemics like AIDS, Ebola, etc., hunger, drought, and all other causes of suffering on the planet for all its inhabitants.
(2) The total respect for the free-will choices of any individual, unless those choices promise harm to another.
(3) The acceptance of a global intention to live open-heartedly on the planet. “Open-hearted” implies peaceful, sincere, and loving.
If we observed the one agreement in (3), I think we’d soon reach the higher-dimensional state of an open heart, which sees the inner tsunami of love flow through us. (1)
“Living open-heartedly” is an attitude. But the state called “an open heart” is different. It’s a definite state of consciousness associated with the Fifth Dimension and higher. Living with an attitude of open-heartedness, I believe, will draw to us the experience of an open heart, eventually, by the Law of Attraction. But that’s just a guess on my part.
The absolute Truth will set us free from the Third/Fourth Dimension. The relative truth, I assert, will result in a greater and greater experience of release from tension and thus an increase in awareness. I do feel release having written what I have.
There’s still more to go however. I recognize this “more” as my vasanas, my residue, my Morley’s chain to deal with. I can handle that part.
But the part of saying “No!” and “Enough!” to our global miscarriages of justice, that I need to express.
If we lived in the way I described above as a global society, I’d be thrilled.
(1) Fourth-chakra enlightenment, the hridayam temporarily opens and we experience the inner tsunami of love. See for instance “Bright Star: An Account of a Heart Opening,”
However now we experience it as a world. We’re in the midst of a gradual, planetary heart opening, according to the Company of Heaven. We should emerge in the state Bright Star describes and that I also experienced in March 2015. Said Bright Star:
“The Tsunami of Love hit me so hard that in the same second, all my concerns, anger, distress, hate and all other unpleasant feelings, which bothered me for such a very long time, were washed away completely.”
In that space he was then in, the world worked and he did what worked. He was, for the moment, in a world that works for everyone.
Here is an excerpt from an article on the Mother’s promise of a heart opening for the planet:
In the middle of her discussion of how hard conditions are in the world, [the Mother] announced:
“I come this day to say that I am increasing the frequency of my Tsunami of Love. Yes, it has been intense. But this is a period of fulfillment. And, sweet angels of light, fulfillment is intense! Your hearts, your love, your ecstasy, your minds, your physical bodies. You feel – because you are sensitives – that you in many ways are exploding. Do not try, do not even think or consider tamping it down” (1)
When she used some of these words, my ears pricked up. (She probably used them on purpose.)
“Your hearts … you feel … are exploding.” Yes, that was exactly what happened to me, as I described many times. The energy crept up my leg and when it reached the fourth chakra, my heart (not my heart chakra) exploded.
Well, you can bet your boots I’m waiting to ask her to confirm and expand on what she just said.
But the chance didn’t come! She was saying her farewells and just leaving the matter like that (or she’s pulling my strings backstage or we’re all the Mother anyways)!!!
There followed what was for me a remarkable exchange. You have to realize that, in my mind and heart, I’m talking to the Mother of all Creation.
Steve: Mother, wait a minute. Don’t depart please, just yet.
Divine Mother: All right.
SB: May I please ask you a question?
DM: Yes.
SB: Have you described a heart opening and, if you have described a heart opening, is that what’s in store for us during this time of the Emerald Gateway – specifically the solar eclipse?
DM: You have it backwards, son.
SB: Thank you, Mother. Please correct me.
DM: You all love your signs and you pray and you beg and you plead for signs. And you are most certainly being given tangible signs. Now let me suggest to you, as your Mother, that the solar eclipse, all of these gateways – which I am very fond of, by the way – are reflections. A solar eclipse does not create a heart opening. It is a symbol of the heart opening. The heart opening is already underway. (The Divine Mother in “Transcript ~ A Mass Heart Opening on This Planet,” Aug. 21, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/08/21/transcript-a-massive-heart-opening-on-this-planet/.)