I’ve asked Narendra to contribute to the blog and am encouraging him to write more (more, more).
Here he describes an inner experience he had while clearing dark entities.
I write with reference to https://goldenageofgaia.com/
Specifically, the following passages:
You see, when you send energy, for example, and you are fragmented you are not working, you’re not claiming the full substance of who you are. So what you send out is only a small percentage of who you are. And that also is very clear in what you think of as sacred union, sacred partnerships.
You’ve all encountered people who can only give a little piece of who they are because they don’t have that sense of full substance. So you cannot share. And often what happens is – and that is why people feel so diminished – is they do share, they do send. And then they feel empty and exhausted. Well, that is not the plan.
This is the secret. When you are anchored in your substance, in your essence, in your divinity, in your bedrock, you can replicate, mirror, share, all of who you are and still maintain and grow (by the way) all of who you are.
I have personal experience of both paragraphs. One of my duties involves the clearing of dark energies and/or entities. Sometimes when I am not in complete peace within my being I feel exhausted after the work.
Other times, I remember that I can replicate myself in spirit and continue working with the Archangels and Masters in doing the clearing work and move on to other duties physically. Then I feel great afterwards.
Why this is particularly telling for me is that a couple of weeks ago I replicated not myself, but a Divine Sceptre of Light I was given last year in the astral planes. (A whole experience by itself!) Then this morning in meditation, before I read this transcript, I replicated a Divine Dagger I was given in the astral planes. Both the sceptre and dagger themselves represent qualities or aspects of my higher self.
In both cases, I was engaged in a clearing of dark energies for a household, and was guided to replicate and plant both items on the astral planes of the land. The sceptre I was told that it would act as a conduit or lighting conductor for the entire region of the country. The dagger in the next instance was to provide further protection from deliberate dark assault.
This was big for me. I went through quite a bit of both physical, emotional and psychological trauma to obtain that sceptre and dagger. I was particularly proud of them. To replicate it was a big deal. However, I did so knowing that the original one I had remained full and complete.
Now when I read this account it is again to pertinent to me. It acts as quite a confirmation for me.