St. Germaine asks us to ignite and expand, and to realize our sacred divinity to bring healing to Gaia and beyond. We are the change.
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Thanks to Laura for the transcript.
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So, let’s begin by taking a nice deep breath of St. Germaine’s I AM Presence. And welcome that mischievous, devilish, blue-eyed fellow into your room, into your car, into your office – wherever you are. Take a nice deep breath of the gentlest mauve, of that simply tiny shaving of lilac, of lavender and some of that French blue and as you breathe it in feel yourself sinking into your heart, into the seat of your soul, into the essence of who you are.
And here comes Gabrielle and she is saying, “Inside that seat of your soul, inside that deepest part of your heart find those golden shards; those golden bubbles of joy.” So take a nice deep breath of that rich molten gold, and of daffodils, bubbles of yellow, of lemon sunshine.
And now go back to the amethyst of St. Germaine and breathe purple, breathe the violet flame and feel that violet flame igniting and over-lighting your own tri-flame, your own tri-flame of the Blue Diamond, and the Pink Diamond and the Gold Diamond and literally feel that sense of ignition, that sense of expansion. And remember when St. Germaine told us when we last met to take that violet flame torch and write in the air I AM and your name: I AM Linda, I AM Michael, I AM Yasmin, I AM Micki, I AM Joe.
Feel the sense that that declaration of your sacred divine presence brings within you and let that grow outward past your causal, or your etheric, or mental and emotional bodies. Let’s push it out, outside your room, outside your house, outside your neighborhood, outside your city, outside your state, outside your country; let go! So that your essence, your beautiful heart is literally beaming across the planet and far beyond.
And feel how we send this violet flame to those that feel sad or lonely or abandoned or sick in disease or sorrow or grief, despair or depression. And let’s send it to everybody who’s simply on the fence – waffling, neither here nor there.
And also feel it in your heart, feel it in your essence, right down your central column from the top of your crown chakra, actually your oversoul, right down to the tip of your tailbone and your Earth star. Feel that beautiful violet, purply, brilliant light just streaming through you, activating parts of your DNA that you weren’t aware that you needed to bring online right now of Nova Being. Good. And relax and be the beautiful angel, human, Gaian, transformer, transmitter, agent of change that you are.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.
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