There it is. That’s it. Right there…. See? No? Where’s the 6:00 News when you need them?
Because so many people have written in, I’m issuing a revised description of the ship.
I thought I was looking southwesterly, but it turns out to be northwesterly, according to my compass.
I find it amazing that there’s an Arcturian lightship at about 8 o’clock in the [northwesterly] sky, every night like clockwork. And no one anywhere is mentioning it. (Note the different time and direction than I cited before.)
It appears just after 8:00 PM and either tweaks out or goes below the horizon by about 9:30-10:00.
(I now see that there is a second ship at 2:00 high.)
I’ve watched it for years, having asked Sanat about it long ago and I finally got around to confirming the matter with Archangel Michael in my last reading.
See if you can see it. It’s easily the brightest object in the night sky, from where I sit.
Steve Beckow: The lightship that’s on the [northwest] horizon from sunset to 8:48, is that an Arcturian lightship?
Archangel Michael: Yes, it is.
Steve: And what is its mission… Just to show the flag?
AAM: That is right. It is more of an observation vehicle and not everyone was fully aware of it but you most certainly are.

Yahhhh, no.
Steve: Why does it tweak out at around 8:48? [It now is staying later.]
AAM: That is like what you would think of as going off duty. And the consistency really helps you know that it is not merely a star or planet.
Steve: It does [help me know]. And so, partially, is it here to get people to think about what’s up in the sky?
AAM: That is correct. When we say observation, we do not simply mean them observing Earth. We mean humans observing them.
Steve: Have there been stories about it in the newspaper?
AAM: No. People think it is not of any interest to the general public. It is quite humorous actually.
Steve: I find it very interesting. So it is Arcturian?
AAM: Yes, it is Arcturian
Steve: Okay, it’s probably the one Sanat Kumara talked to me about a whole bunch of years ago.
AAM: … A long time ago, yes. (1)
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, March 28, 2018.