A long-time reader wrote in asking which Universal Law to use to be able to handle stress. In composing an answer, I ended up sharing my daily practice experience.
Granted, my work may be different from yours. As it turns out, I’m a big-picture chick and a direct communicator, and I like being efficient with my words and my energy.
In any given situation where we’re presented with challenge, rather than contemplate which Universal Law applies, we can always simply invoke the Law of Love. (1)
What makes things easy for me is to focus on the grandest aspect of the situation…a fully expanded version of my potential to affect it as well as whatever World situation presents. It’s worth researching Universal Law in order to deepen one’s understanding of them, if this expanded world view is something you’re feeling drawn to.
Steve and I have assembled all the information on Universal Law into one book (2), and you can always search the GAoG site using the term “Universal Law” to gather whatever missing pieces there might be in your knowledge base.
What follows is a daily practice for me. One of my cats likes it best to be eating while I’m praying over her…so that turns out to be my ritual space for this in the morning.
I do feel that posture matters here, so I stand as straight and tall as I can, and I use the infinity breath for the entire process. (3)
It’s also a good idea to gather energy first. I use a tai chi method with my hands and breath. As I circle my cupped hands down with the exhale, on the inhale, the hands turn upwards towards the body, effectively bringing energy up with them. The motion mimics the movement of a toroidal field around the body.
There are lots of ways to gather energy though, so choose what feels best to you. Honestly, in all of this we each have the skill and wisdom to create a ritual for ourselves, as sovereign and powerful Beings of Light.
Okay, so I’m in position. I’ve gathered energy and my next step is to rub my hands together. This also “warms up” the hands to be conduits for energy. I hold my left hand as though to reach into the field of infinite possibilities, and my right hand in a posture of transmission. Our voices carry our own unique frequency signature, so all of this is for speaking out loud…
First, a statement from the book, The “I Am” Discourses ~
- I am that I am
- I am all Love
- I am all Power
- I am all that which God so desires me to be
- I am at Peace
- I am abundant Power
- I am strong and perfect in Being (4)
With each line, I’m using the infinity breath for one cycle (in and out).
Then ~
“I invoke Universal Law and I join with The One-ness to bring all beings and situations in, on and above the planet into alignment with the Divine Mother’s Plan, free of interference in this and all timelines and dimensions.”
Repeat three times, followed with “I am that I am” and three infinity breaths. And with a nod to my favorite fictional Starship Captain, I follow it all up with a “Make it so!”
I’m sharing this for you to use yourself or to use as a kind of template to design your own daily practice of raising planetary frequency. What better time could there be to embrace Universal Law, claim our own Sovereignty, and exercise our own power to raise the Earth Collective into the Golden Age of Gaia?
(1) Sanat Kumara on Heavenly Blessings, April 19, 2018 httpss://tinyurl.com/yd3ffnjb
(2) Linda Dillon, Channel, with Suzi Maresca and Steve Beckow, On the Importance of the Universal Laws. Vancouver: Council of Love, 2017, at httpss://tinyurl.com/y75wnt4v
(3) AAM through Ronna Herman, “Infinity Breath Meditation,” May 31, 2009 httpss://tinyurl.com/y7wd6kf6
(4) The “I Am” Discourses, by the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Godfre Ray King, Saint Germain Press, Inc., n.d.