This article forms the introduction to a revised and expanded book on Disclosure, available here:
In the last ten years the amount of literature on our star brothers and sisters – well, our ancestors, really, as well as our future – has mushroomed.
Films about them. Fear-mongering from the same people who wish to bring you World War III – the real ones to fear. Mysteries of the deep – whether underwater, underground, or in space.
The storyline I’m following (you can choose your own) is that our star family created this particular human template (1) during Cro-Magnon times and then left us here to develop in our own ways. They poked their heads in from time to time to see if we needed help – witness sites like Gobekli Tepe.
The last time they were here ended in 1200 BC. All Mediterranean civilizations record discord after they left. (2) It was a time of decline for the Hittites, Egyptians, and neighboring countries.
Today they return to ensure our Ascension. Our job is over in Third Dimensionality. We get a pay raise and a new office. No, we get to do what we want.
And what shall we tell them – that they don’t already know – about what we’ve done with their creation?
Well, let’s see. Let’s look at the historical present.
- More than 50 million men, women and children killed in World War II.
- Vying systems of totalitarian government in perpetual cold and hot wars since then.
- Planet-killing, omnicidal weapons of mass destruction, like depleted-uranium (DU) munitions, being used by many governments. Notice there’s no discussion of it in the mainstream media.
- An elite planning World War III to get rid of useless eaters. (3)
I’d say we’re not doing very well, really. Not very well at all.
Without our star family coming back in the last century to help with our Ascension, Gaia would have died from any number of causes, including:
- Bearing the strain of human karma from so much rape and murder.
- Giving up under the stress of so much pollution, which the galactics are ready to help us clean up.
- Being unwilling to permit another human world conflagration, which our star family will also not permit. (Time’s up, warring factions!)
- Stressing from the loss of oil that lubricates her joints, which she and our star family can address. (There’s no need for oil, when we can use free energy, solar, wind and water energy.)
- Burdened by the effects of chemtrails, neutralized by our ancestors from the stars.
- Polluted by radiation leaking from various human dump sites on land and undersea, which the galactics will later dispose of.
- Her environment devastated by the effects of DU released into the atmosphere, which the galactics have removed.
This last act alone is one of planetary salvation. Without our star family, at some point in the near future – if by DU alone – we would not be here. This would be a devastated planet.
This is the gift we offer back to our ancestors when they return to us. This is our final report: You gave us life and we return to you a dying planet. Is that really what we want to do?
We want to restore our planet from the depredations that we ourselves caused. And the galactics offer us the helping hand to do that. And, as it happens, to do it quickly.
Fortunately the galactics enjoy a higher form of life than most people on Earth today have probably experienced. They live in a constant state of ever-flowing, transformative love. I spent some time in that state or I wouldn’t presume to talk about it. It’s wonderful beyond words.
The fact that they live in that space, with all the advantages it brings (much wider, quicker, deeper comprehension, deeper compassion, on and on), is why earlier civilizations often regarded them as gods.
One does feel godlike in the space of this higher form of love, but it doesn’t allow us to become tyrants over others. If we think harm to another, it flees.
The galactics were (are) in fact higher-dimensional beings. We’re actually quite primitive compared to them. We’re lucky that they come down this far in dimensionality to meet with us and serve our welfare.
We’ve been in their good hands since we first appeared on the planet. We are in good hands. And we will be in good hands.
They have to deal with us. It’s they who are not in hands that have reliably, traditionally been good (think: Holocaust, Dresden bombing, My Lai Massacre). One might argue that they need protection from us, not us from them.
We’re the ones who insist on raping and killing each other. We have so much blood on our hands that you might think it more fitting of us to appear before them in abject apology for the disaster we’ve made of the environment and people they created. Look how we ruined the Garden of Eden.
Ask the people of Syria or Yemen. Or Afghanistan or Vietnam or the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Ask any refugee. Ask any woman.
A unimaginably-uplifting family reunion awaits us. Disclosure will be one of the most historic and satisfying events of this Ascension or of human history.
This book contains articles written at various times as introductions to the subject.
They’re here to help raise our vibrations until our consciousness breaks free from its focus on the Third Dimensionality. They’re here to help us focus on a higher-dimensional reality. That, plus helping Gaia to get through this period of final turmoil, has been the major part of their work around this planet, cloaked as they are in many ships.
In that state of consciousness, that higher dimension, no one will even think of doing another harm. All will only want to share their divine love. We’ll have a galaxy of new friends and family to share it with. And we’ll have the tools to show Gaia our appreciation for her long tolerance of us and her travails.
(1) Called the Adam/Eve Kadmon template.
(2) Steve Beckow, “Archangel Michael: What Happened to Civilization in 1200 BC?,” Golden Age of Gaia,
(3) Satanism, child sacrifice, weather warfare, chemtrails, pandemics, toxic vaccines.
The School of the Americas, the CIA in charge of the drug trade, Several Presidents guilty of high crimes like treason, human trafficking, and pedophilia.
The Return of Our Ancestors