Join us in meditation as we breathe a rainbow into our heart and relax into the love of the entire Council, including the Archangels, saints, our Father/Mother, as well as our team of worker humans here on Gaia…… an entire community of LOVE.
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Thanks to Mare for the transcript.
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Saturday Conference Call, April 21, 2018
Meditation – “Let yourself feel cherished”
So, let’s begin this absolutely beautiful spring day by taking a nice deep breath of amethyst. And as you well know, amethyst comes in the palest mauve and lavender to the deepest, almost garnet. It’s a beautiful healing stone shared with us from the crystal kingdom, from the stone people.
So, relax and just let your shoulders come down and your jaw slightly open and feel yourself sink into the chair or the bed or the floor, wherever you are. And heck…it’s Saturday, so I hope wherever you are you might still be curled up in your jammies and let yourself feel comfy and cozy, and let yourself feel safe and secure and cherished and acknowledged and loved…because you are!
And you are, not only by the people in this beautiful circle, but also by what Traci calls ‘the invisibles’, what Suzi calls ‘our friends in the rafters’, what I call ‘our unseen friends’, what St. Germaine calls ‘the Council of Love’.
So, I want you to feel today the entire Council surrounding you, beginning with the posting of the mighty ones, the archangels, of Mi-ka-el and his blue; and Raphael and his emerald; of our beloved Uriel and his silver…feel for a moment the silver dream, that Keeper of Time; and here comes Jophiel, that beautiful, massive pirate with his flashing eyes and his black hair, and his cloak of garnet…magenta. And what about Gabrielle, our beautiful archangel, our golden archangel of joy? And feel Mother Mary, our beloved Mare’, and feel Jesus and Lord Maitreya, and the Buddha, and Sai Baba, and St. Teresa and St. Bernadette, St. Francis, Waka-na-taka, Grener and Ashira and Galea. And feel Yahweh, feel that presence of Father God.
Let the room you’re in or the house or the building be filled with this Council…of which you are a part. Let them come and join you in this beautiful community of love. Let them express to you how highly, not only that you are thought of but that they know you and that you are a part of this circle that serves the Mother, that has always served the Mother, even when you think you took scenic detours, even when you thought you were alone and abandoned.
You, me, us, we’ve had times when we wavered, when we felt shaky and uncertain, but this Council of Love has never wavered, has always been there, will always be there with and for us, keeping the space of creation and love wide open.
So, let’s breathe a rainbow of pale pink, and neon green, and golden yellow, and mauve, and how about some purple and some blue. Breathe in the rainbow as if you’re tilting your chin and opening your mouth to the perfect rainbow sky and just breathe it in…and feel yourself expand and relax. You’re breathing in all those divine qualities, you’re breathing in the miracles and the particles of joy, of laughter, of love, of the sweetness of the promise that a rainbow brings, not only of the pot of gold but of a new start, of a fresh beginning…it’s like Michael’s signature.
Feel that rainbow go into your heart and your cells as if you’re turning effervescent, as if you’re turning into the rainbow. And really anchor this feeling that every breath, every moment, every day is a new beginning.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.
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