As I understand it from my readings with AAM, about half of lightworkers at this time are looking at the opportunity of the Reval as service to the Divine Mother in the form of stewards of her wealth.
These lightworkers can be depended on to use the excess of their money to bring about conditions of fairness, equality, and unity on the planet.
The other half will probably use it in service-to-self – that is, to better themselves and retreat to a life of pleasure – chateaux, yachts, jets, etc.
The Company of Heaven is watching how we perform. Those who perform in service-to-others will be tapped for ever-larger assignments. They’ll be spokesbeings for many. Says Michael:
AAM: Those who are in a position of stewardship, of beginning projects that lead the way to the building and the re-creation of what Nova Earth is truly about … [will] become the spokesbeings for many. (1)
They may then go on to the next step, which would probably be representing Gaia when the galactics disclose their presence.
They may be TV interviewers or print journalists or ambassadors. They’ll have cut their teeth working on global projects to bring about conditions of universal workability.
They may work in the institutions and organizations that are co-staffed by our star brothers and sisters – the healing, environmental, space-travel and other centers.
They’ll have earned their wings by helping to restore Gaia.
This is one potential career path for a currency holder/steward of the Mother’s wealth.
After the Reval, I anticipate changes coming fast and thick. NESARA, Disclosure, replicators, healing chambers, on and on the improvements in our lives go. All this time, we’ll be gradually ascending – up the chakra tree and beyond it. (2)
At some point we’ll have universal translators. (3) We can then begin building a new, global culture, (4) with its myriad of subcultures. Without a common language, it might have been possible to build one – but not probable. Now it becomes likely.
Until now, globalism has been associated with the cabal. With freedom restored to Earth, we can again think about global matters without being suspected of having an agenda of enslavement.
In this new atmosphere of freedom, I suggest that our next big step and mission be to reclaim the global stage for fairness, equality, and unity.
What does that look like? Keep working on your plans to end global conditions of unworkability or create ones of workability. Restore Planet Earth. Build the new.
That’s what it looks like to reclaim the global stage.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 27, 2016.
(2) Sahaja Samadhi lies beyond the Third-Dimensional chakra tree. It consists of a full and permanent heart opening (an opened hridayam) and is mukti, moksha, or liberation from the birth and death of Third Dimensionality.
(3) Apparently, the size of a jewel, which will allow us all to be intelligible to each other. In effect the world will have one language – our own. We’ll hear everyone else in our own language; they’ll hear us in their own.
(4) What is culture? Culture is an organization of ideas, manifest in act and artifact though consisting of neither, by means of which people understand their world and take purposeful action.