Back in 2011, Archangel Michael discussed with me why Disclosure had not happened to that date. There was some event apparently due on June 21, 2011.
The discussion is obviously relevant today because our star brothers and sisters have still not felt the time right to disclose their presence formally. Informally, they’re all over the place.
If we can get beyond our disappointment at the length of time we’ve all been waiting for the events, we have here a good discussion of the galactics’ and celestials’ fears around premature Disclosure.
Steve: Can you tell me what occurred around June 21st to have that not be a good date for disclosure?
Archangel Michael: Fear.
Let me elaborate. Now, you know it is not the fear of the common man, of what you think of as the man in the street. For in many ways they would deal with this just fine. But there is an agreement and a pledge by the Intergalactic Council that they will not come in a situation that will create such fear that there is a trigger event.
It is the leaders of several countries, and in particular it is the United States of America, to some degree France, to some degree China, and even Israel, that have, upon discussion — let us put it that way — the leadership, what we felt and known to be the pivotal decision makers, the movers and shakers, the power brokers, or so they believe – have been in alignment, and certainly in communication with the councils, with the Star Brothers and Sisters.
But what has happened as the time and the timing has grown closer is that they have been very heavily influenced by not only military concerns or input, but also economic. Of course it is true and it is part of the unfoldment. And this was very clearly understood.
Whether your Star Brothers or Sisters were present or not, your economies are shifting. Because they are based on old paradigms that are of old dimensions and no longer serve. They are based on lower vibrations of greed, control, lust — you know the list.
S: Uh huh.
AAM: But when the economic advisers have truly begun to think about how this would shift the reality of not only what you think of as national economies but global economies, how the value of things, not only by necessity but even common sense, would shift, it gave them concern about losing or not being able to manage that shift in a way that maintained or maintains power bases.
Additionally to that, there was military input about protection, control, control of the populace, control of those who would seek to usurp the energy or the situation politically of your Star Brothers and Sisters being present.
What they are not seeing, and what the visionaries, the core group had been quite clear on was the vision of the shift, was the opening of the potential. Yes, economies shift, but the gifts and the caretaking, in very practical ways, of your populations are assured. Nevertheless, there has been a huge spike high in what we would call the fear quotient.
So there has been a backing away, but not off. Let me be very clear about that. And of course that is always why we are reticent about dates. But this was very clearly a time that was favorable and could have been favorable, despite everything. But we will not seek to over-ride or interfere with free will on any level.
Now, you say to me, but, Lord, if you are saying that, then we can wait until the end of time. And I reassure you, my brother, that that is not so. Because even though we tell you of this situation, it does not halt the unfoldment, and it does not halt the shifts in energy that are already underway.
I want to give you a practical example. When you see a young boy on the diving board for the first time, he may be very nervous, and there may be several false starts, and he may back up a few times, and he may even take a running jump and then stop. But what happens is eventually there is a dive.
Sometimes it is perfect. Sometimes it is rather clumsy. But it takes place. Because the child will not stand on the diving board until the water freezes over. Well, we are not waiting for the water to freeze over, either. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 1, 2011.)