What follows is an edited version of an earlier promo for An Hour with an Angel, written after prerecording the Divine Mother the day she announced the heart opening.
I immediately began to supply background information on it.
Usually I give a brief synopsis of what was discussed in the pre-record of An Hour with an Angel, but today I need to say much more because we appear to be in close proximity to the events discussed.
I’m going to post this early because we don’t know when the event will happen and so I’d like this information out as soon as possible.
In the pre-record Tuesday, the Divine Mother revealed that she’s increasing her Tsunami of Love dramatically and used words like “explosive” and “heart opening” as being what we can expect in the near future.
I asked her if she was describing a heart opening similar to what I had in March 2015 (i.e., explosive) and she said “yes.” (1)
The Divine Mother said that the energies would reach the place where we feel our heart exploding or imploding and we’re simply to allow the experience to unfold.
That was what I did, as you recall, in March of 2015. I allowed the energy to mount my body and explode when it reached the fourth or heart chakra. It blew out whatever blockage had been in my heart.
She then used the word “flood” and I asked her if people would experience the same torrent or flood of love that I did – which is the real, inner Tsunami of Love – and she confirmed that that was indeed what she was talking about.
I’ve said before that Ascension is gradual with some sudden enlightening events. This is one of the events. I anticipate that, after it, we’ll return to the same gradual process of Ascension, preparing us for the next “snap.”
A heart opening, a fourth-chakra event, in the old annals of enlightenment, represents the first enlightenment, the next stages being at the sixth-chakra (Cosmic Consciousness), at the seventh-chakra (Brahmajnana) and a permanent and full heart opening (Sahaja Samadhi, mukti, or liberation).
I can tell you – well, I already have – that life after a heart opening is wonderful, for as long as the heart remains open. Many spiritual experiences before Sahaja wane after a while. But it’s a taste of what life will be like after full Ascension (that is, after a full and permanent heart opening). And some features of the experience do last.
When you begin to experience very strange sensations in your body (that you’ll either explode or implode), remember that this experience comes from the Divine Mother and will produce wonderful results for you. If at all possible, though you feel you’ll blow up, simply allow it. The Mother will handle the rest and you’ll love it.
(1) Also called spiritual awakening, stream entering, it’s the first phase of the enlightenment that eventually carries us out of the Third/Fourth Dimension.
(2) After the show, I realized I had forgotten to ask if this was a fourth-chakra heart opening (1) and asked Linda to confirm with AAM that it was. He confirmed that it was.