I feel the need for a more general explanation of this paradoxical phrase that Werner Erhard coined in the late 1970s: “A world that works for everyone.”
How possibly can such a world exist?
Please excuse me if you’ve heard me discuss the matter previously. Werner’s point is key to understanding where we as a global society are headed.
How can a world be made to work for everyone?
Well, it cannot. That’s the bottom line. The world cannot be made to work for everyone.
That’s because it’s we – not “the world” – that need to shift in such a way that the world works for everyone. Our consciousness needs to shift. What’s called for is inner work, not outer work.
If everyone were in such a state of consciousness, the world would decidedly work for everyone.
People reading this blog know about the consciousness shift occurring on Gaia. It’s this shift that will raise our vibrations to the level where the world will work, as Werner was suggesting.
I assert that Werner existed in that state of consciousness where he was naturally aware of workability.
You might be asking yourself how I know that too. Because I know the space he was pointing at. I lived in that space, for a time.
I inhabited a world that works for the better part of a year, before the experience slowly faded away. It’s this experience that allowed me to see plainly what Werner was pointing at. The riddle that he posed in 1979 that I had contemplated ever since was solved.
Let me go deeper.
I’m sure anyone reading this blog knows about the kundalini. I had an experience on March 13, 2015 in which the kundalini climbed up my body and reached the fourth chakra.
Given that I serve the Divine Mother, I knew that any experience I was having must have come from her so I relaxed and let the kundalini rise.
As soon as it reached the fourth chakra, my heart (not my heart chakra or physical heart) exploded. I call this a “heart opening.” It was as if a 15-inch gun went off on a battleship.
There was a tremendous inner roar and I was immersed in an inner tsunami of love. That’s one way of talking about it. I was drowned in the Ocean of Love is another.
This torrent of love that swept through me swallowed me up and swept all anxieties, concerns, desires, and thoughts away. It left me clean.
This state lasted for seven months and was superseded by a state of bliss that happened the day of the consciousness wave of Oct. 28, 2015. Bliss lasted for another three months.
In these states, I was joyful, resilient, patient, loving. I was completely satisfied with all things. I needed nothing more than the promise that I would always experience this love.
Ahhhh, but … that was not to be. It faded in January 2016 and I returned to my normal, everyday self again.
But I do know why, when someone experiences something like that, they cannot help but work for it ever after.
While in that state, a world of perfection was all I could see. Someone could come up and threaten me and I’d laugh. I had all I needed and no one could take it away from me.
For myself, I’d have harmed no one. I wished no one ill.
Because love needs to flow and because I experience it as it flows up from my heart, through me, and out into the world, all I wanted was to share this love.
The more I shared, the more I felt. It’s like our kitchen tap. Turn it up and more flows through it. Turn the tap of our love up, send it out to the whole world, and more flows through us. (1) When Archangel Michael speaks of spiritual currency, this torrent of love is exactly what he’s pointing at. (2)
I assert – and I invite anyone to test it out – that Werner Erhard was pointing us towards this state of consciousness with his phrase “a world that works for everyone.”
Werner experienced this state permanently whereas I experienced it temporarily. I dipped my toe in the Ocean of Love; he went deep-sea diving. His experience was probably much deeper than mine.
What is the nearest correlate in lightworker language? Building Nova Earth. But our phrase doesn’t cover exactly the same territory, which is what makes Werner’s phrase so useful. We can build Nova Earth and not be in the consciousness state that Werner was pointing at.
Again, please forgive this technical note but I need to say it for those who are following my argument closely.
The space of a world that works for everyone is the space of what we lightworkers and loveholders call Ascension, the culmination of Ascension actually – Sahaja Samadhi, which is a full and permanent heart opening.
My experience was nowhere near Sahaja. My temporary heart opening was what Hindus call “spiritual awakening” and Buddhists, “stream-entering.” (3)
Mine was a fourth-chakra awakening; the experience of Sahaja is beyond the seven-chakra system. It is the full heart opening that follows our ascent beyond the seven.
OK, OK. That’s all the technical stuff. Thank you for your tolerance.
When the heart opens in fourth-chakra enlightenment, for as long as the experience lasts, one is in a space in which the world works for everyone.
In a society and culture which, at the time, wasn’t generally very lettered in subjects like enlightenment, how would one most effectively spur people on to reach this goal in spiritual practice?
Easy. Give them a paradox. Blow their minds with a statement that can only be resolved from a higher level of knowledge – what Werner called “natural knowing.” (4)
That statement is “a world that works for everyone.”
Given that I wrestled with it since 1979 and finally “got it” in 2015, his paradox worked for me.
(1) This love flows up from our hearts and out into the world. You can use your in-breath to draw the love up and your out-breath to send it out to the world.
(2) “Now you know that I have spoken at length, and repeatedly, about spiritual currency being an integral, unavoidable part of this thing that you call the RV. What you call the RV, I call the re-evaluation of spiritual currency. …
“When I have said ‘spiritual currency,’ you’ve had a glimpse of this in the knowing of mastery and abundance and so you know it isn’t about money. It is about spiritual currency. And I say to you, ‘congratulations.'” (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 2, 2017.)
Yes, I had an experience of abundance and mastery as what Werner would call “contexts.” Both were wonderful and I ended up again in the Ocean of Love.
(3) See “Enlightenment – (1) Spiritual Awakening – How has the experience of spiritual awakening been described?” and following sections, at httpss://tinyurl.com/yd6gv7bf
All experiences short of Sahaja are temporary.
(4) Einstein said “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” (httpss://www.goodreads.com/quotes/320600-we-can-not-solve-our-problems-with-the-same-level.) By the same token, we cannot know higher states from lower states. We have to enter them to know them.