One of my favorite books, years ago, was Giving Up the Gun, described in this review:
“Was there ever a time when a civilization, technically sophisticated, and in full possession of its senses, reverted to an earlier, less advanced technology? You bet: Japan, 1543-1879.
“During this period Japan effectively prohibited all manufacture of firearms and gunpowder, and isolated itself from the rest of the world with a blockade that remained successful until Commodore Perry’s celebrated ‘opening of Japan’ in 1854.” (1)
It actually is possible to return as a society to more peaceful ways. In the case of Japan, to revert to a time before guns.
Admittedly what motivated the Japanese of the time was not peace-seeking but honorable battle. It was a death without honor to be shot off your horse by an invisible opponent. The Japanese returned to samurai ways.
But today we also need to give up the gun. We’ve been told that guns are not in our future. At some point in the future, they won’t even fire. Archangel Michael tells us:
“In fact, … we suspect and anticipate that peace will reign rather rapidly, that people cannot continue to hold up their guns, their swords, their drones, their missiles and be in the love. We are talking about widespread laying down of arms.” (2)
I remember hearing Michael say at some point long ago that a time would come when swords would dissolve into sand before an assailant could strike.
Never mind that the sweep of history is going towards the elimination of all weapons, for our children’s sake, we need to get rid of guns. The time has come to put their safety above our disputes.
Two-party rhetoric and ridicule – in service to the cabal – simply obscures the issue, perhaps as it’s probably meant to. We need to take back control of the issue – and of the language of it. We need to take it back from the gun lobby, the deep state, and everyone else who’s using it to curtail human rights and extend their own power.
I do not believe the argument that, if we disarm, we fall into the arms of the deep state. The deep state is being taken down, as we speak. Its departure will be speeded up if we as a planet disarm and declare for peace.
The planetary vibrations that are here now no longer support war and the new powers that be, on both sides of the curtain, won’t allow it. Peace is destined to come to the planet. Weapons will no longer be needed.
It’s only a question of whether we try to bring weapons forward and fail or let them go and succeed.
They’re associated with an older dimension of existence that no longer is. The Old Third is as gone as the Old West. Guns no longer have a place in our lives. And it may have taken the loss of our children to bring that message home to us.
(1) “Giving Up the Gun: Japan’s Reversion to the Sword, 1543-1879Noel Perrin” at
(2) “Archangel Michael: Swept Away in a Tsunami of Love — Part 2/2, channeled by Linda Dillon, January 9, 2014 at