Today we would like to focus your attention upon the vast topic of your imagination. All of you came here equipped with this magnificent tool and yet we watch as so many misuse it. We would like to take this time to briefly discuss the true purpose of your imagination and what you can do to ensure that you use it the way your soul had intended.
From our perspective everything is simply energy which resonates at its own unique frequency. Your five physical senses are capable of translating vibration into a sight, a sound, a taste, a touch and a smell. You have become so accustomed to utilizing your physical senses to determine the “realness” of your reality that you don’t even consciously realize that you are continually translating vibrations into a physical reality.
However, here is the catch, you only have access to what you have matched vibrationally. In other words, the sights that you see as you look out your window, the smells in the air and so on are an exact match to the vibration you are pulsing out at any given time. Remember, you cannot experience what you do not resonate with.
You have at your disposal the most powerful tool which can transport you to any place in any time for as long as you choose. You can use this tool to conjure the most magnificent reality you could possibly imagine or you can use it to torture yourself with worry, anxiety and your greatest fears of what’s to come. This tool is of course your imagination.
We do not perceive any difference between the thoughts and images you hold in your imagination and the reality which you stand within that you are certain is more “real” because it is tangible. From our perspective, everything is a vibrational reality. Yet we understand that for the time being you very much want your dreams to not only be vibrational but physical as well.
Well, we will tell you this, the only thing that makes it more tangible is that you have found a way to match the vibration of your physical reality, which you are translating so perfectly that you have attracted it into your physical experience. Everything you have, every circumstance you experience, once was a thought, it was simply an un-translated vibration.
We often times like to use simple analogies to try to make what appears to be a very complex topic into one that can be easily understood. Take your television for instance. You understand that you must turn it on in order to watch a particular channel. You also understand that the one that you are watching is not the only channel that exists. Rather, there are many different channels that are being broadcast at all times and all you must do is simply change the channel that you are tuned to in order to experience a new “show.”
Such is the case with your vibration. The experiences that you are creating are a direct result of the vibration that you are tuned to. It is what we like to call the “channel” of your life.
Your imagination is the preview of what is located on all the other potential channels that you can access. We can guarantee that you have the ability to physically experience anything that you have seen in your imagination regardless of how big it may appear because you wouldn’t have been able to conjure the thought in the first place if you did not also have the ability to fully tune yourself to that reality.
The imagination is meant to be used in the most creative, magnificent way; to help you to create the life of your dreams, to be able to experience what you desire most before it is attracted into your physical reality. You can play there as long as you like, no one can remove you but you. You can continue to expand upon your dreams in your imagination until you become so familiar with the experience that you essentially match the vibration necessary to attract it into your reality.
Remember, the Universe is constantly reflecting back to you what you have sent out vibrationally. The Universe cannot decipher the difference between whether you are focused upon in your imagination or if you are focused upon something in your physical reality, all that matters is how your focus makes you feel. That focus essentially determines what other experiences will be attracted into your reality which are a match to that vibrational resonance.
So you see, you can use your imagination to propel you into your greatest dreams and aspirations or plunge you down into your biggest fears. But one thing is for sure, what you focus upon will always expand, so we encourage you to choose wisely. Let your dreams soar, play in your imagination as often as you can and soon the very dreams you once thought were only held in your imagination will become your new physical reality.
We hope that we have served you in some way.
In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides”
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– Dr. Taryn Crimi
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