I received this message from Jesus on Easter 2013. GAoG posted it at the time.
I repost it today as being always relevant but especially to our times.
I am your brother Jesus.
Today is the day when many on this planet set aside “time” to acknowledge the message of wholeness.
Even though they mistakenly “worship” a person who they believe is apart from them, outside themselves, they will come to know the reality of oneness.
But the energy manifested today is most important because it brings a great peace and heart opening across this planet. It brings a portion of the peace which can only be found in an open heart.
My teachings of love, peace and brotherhood have been taken to heart by millions. My message that each is an aspect of God has been suppressed for control, power and gain.
On this day of celebration of resurrection and ascension, let us once again come together in the knowledge and realization that we ARE God…and that we are one, united, inseparable from God. All else is illusion.
In this density that veil of illusion is beginning to lift for many. Let us go together to bring the example of oneness to all and to enable them to lift up their vision to the Light.
Those who would/have controlled and created the religion called Christianity have carefully taught that God is separate from and outside of Self. This is not so. God IS within/without. There is nothing that is NOT God, including each of you.
Today as you honor a messenger who came to bring you up from darkness and fear into your own knowledge that you are a spark of the Divine, today, pause and contemplate that you ARE Spirit. All else is your creation of illusion.
If you will but be still and listen within your heart, you will hear the voice of your Self/God simply saying “come home”.
I am your loving brother Jesus.