Terry hosted me and Kathleen when we passed through Cannon Beach on the West Coast Express. What an active, passionate group we met there.
When Love Becomes Effortless
Twenty years ago as I walked across the dune to the beach, I had an extra-dimensional encounter with the light being called Jesus. When we have those experiences, we temporarily shift into a different reality, an altered space, and our only focus is on what we are experiencing. It’s vivid. It’s impactful. And it changes who we are.
In that space, in that brief moment that was beyond time, this light being appeared in his familiar physical form and shared that his teachings on Earth had been compromised. It was all about Love, interconnection thru Love, he told me, and I would soon be sharing that Love with other people. And not just me, but many would be doing this.
At that time in my life, this was about as far out of my reality as the planet of love itself, Jupiter. I couldn’t understand how it would happen, or why I would be involved, a person raised without religion.
But as I have cleared my old patterns and beliefs over the last two decades, what has arisen inside me is Love and the realization, the feeling, the knowing that—just like the Beatles sang—All you need is love. And in the last few weeks, there’s no longer any effort involved. It’s just happening. I don’t have to try to share the energy of Love, it’s just emitting from my newly wired system.
And I am being told this: Our systems are all being wired for Love, because this is who we are. The essence of who we are is Love, despite what we might have learned during our time on this Earth.
I never thought I would ever be someone talking about Love, but yet now that I am experiencing my rewired system, Love is what is happening. This is what will be happening to everyone. So if you need to get ready, please do. Although it I don’t know how you would prepare for this, except to surrender all your old ideas and encumbrances.
But here is what is coming thru: Love is All there is. Our systems are being rewired by the intense influxes of Light currently coming to the planet, and as we are wired for this new circuitry, we may experience a host of physical symptoms: spaciness, sleepiness or the inability to sleep, random aches and pains, no appetite or increased need for food, occasional blurry vision, and more. We may be fatigued and need a lot of rest. We become more sensitive, we might need more time alone. We may be overemotional. We lose our tolerance for the antics of the 3D world. We don’t want to stress the body too much as it goes thru this process. We want to be kind to ourselves and allow what is coming thru to come thru as the energies continue to intensify to push us into the frequencies required.
And then, when we are ready, the SOLAR LIGHT is lit and the flame goes thru us and the energy of Love begins emitting.
When this happens to us, we become magnetic. We pull others into this space when we interact with them. We experience joy and sometimes giddiness. The old world loses its appeal. We stop giving it energy and attention. Our energy goes into creating more of the new. We create by thinking about what we want, and we watch as it comes into being. Energy turns into matter. This you shall do and more.
When this first starts happening it feels like magic. But it soon becomes completely normal. What comes into my mind is a Mayan term I first heard years ago, that we are surfing the zuvuya, the inter-dimensional thread from the galactic core. It is a fluid space of creation, peace, joy, Love and unity. It is a space of synchronicity, where what you are creating based on your new resonance arrives in your new reality on fluid waves from the multidimensional spectrum. It is a dynamic space and we are currently learning to navigate this space and to use our creative powers in it as we emit Love. We are going moment by moment and feeling our way, sensing what is needed as we go.
And this is just another step in the process of ascension and embodiment of our divine consciousness and multiple multi-dimensional aspects. We are adapting to all of it as quickly as we can, learning all there is to learn, and feeling our way in these new frequencies. And please, trust yourself in this knowing: we’re becoming masters as we summon, from our own divinely infused cells, the physical reality of New Earth.
When I posted this piece, the word count was 777. Just for fun, I looked up the meaning of 777 and found: You’re acting in perfect synchronicity with the universe.
And this is what I am finding as we enter this new space: everything is synchronized. Everything is working for our higher good. Everything is coming together for us to experience life on New Earth. Everything is clicking into place for this new Love-infused crystalline consciousness to be the energy that we emit, that we receive and that we experience as the way things are.