Receive the gift from Patrick of the green of heart of the Emerald Isle, the gift of love of heart, of new beginnings and the rebirth of spirit that comes through balance.
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Patrick: The Pot of Gold is the Wellspring of Your Heart
Greetings, I AM Patrick, I AM Patricio. And note, beloved ones, that I do not say to you that I AM St. Patrick because, although this is a term and an honor that has been bestowed upon me, that is not how I come to you…I come to you as brother, as ally, as friend of green, as heart friend of love.
And yes, I am pleased to have this day of celebration of joy, of camaraderie, of community. Mind you, it is often celebrated in ways of bacchanalia and rather excess, and what I would truly wish to give you is the gift of balance, the gift of joy-full balance!
There are many myths about my life and about what I have achieved and not achieved. It is amazing when you come to this side how you come to realize how things have progressed and how things could have been different and it is not a matter, ever, of chastising one’s self. But let us just say, that in many ways I was rather arrogant, and certainly at times even belligerent in my approach in anchoring Catholicism in Ireland.
I did not fully appreciate and understand the role and the meaning and the gift of many of the Gaelic and Celtic gods and goddesses. And I was narrow in my view of embracing the nature elementals…the fairies, the leprechauns…and that was unfortunate, and it was unfortunate, beloved ones, simply because I limited the joy of my life. Now I am not saying that I did not enjoy my life because I did, because I thought and I believed and I was living my sacred purpose of creating change and bringing people into the love of Jesus Christ…but it was a limited view.
Now, I do not wish to rain on the parade of this joyous day of celebration and so I will not do so.
And so, I want to give you the gift of green…not only the emerald of my heart or the emerald of the Emerald Isle…I want to give you the gift of love of heart, of new beginnings, of the freshness of spring, of the rebirth of spirit, and the rebirth [of] each one of you.
It is the springtime of humanity when the new ways, the new understandings, which, in fact, are in alignment with the original ways, come and are peeking out like tiny sprouts coming forth out of old earth into the new realm of existence.
I walk with you and I talk with you, telepathically and otherwise, and I wish to say to you, “Embrace the balance.” No, not of joy and sorrow, but perhaps of revelry and calm, of silence and the song of birds, the song of children, the song of those who are old and to sit quietly, listen to what they are telling you, for there is great wisdom in their understandings and in their words. Do not forget the old stories, for they are filled with wisdom and magic.
Take the gift of magic, of alchemy, that is already yours…you have already passed through the 4th dimension and received this gift in great strength and wealth. Use it, sweet ones. Remember who you are and remember the luck that you came with and the luck that I amplify…for what is luck, what is alchemy, what is magic, except you as your creator self stepping forward and calling forward what your heart desires?
There is a pot of gold and it is the wellspring of your heart!
Go with my love, go with my happiness, not merely joy but the fulfillment of your dreams. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.
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