Again, from my Dec. 20, 2017 reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, thought-provoking comments, this time on the Transcendental.
At last I understand in what form we live there. We have the choice of appearing in whatever form we wish. Either as a human body or as sheer energy or anything else. That is the answer to my question.
This is a case of my Third/Fourth-Dimensional mind not being able to conceive of or think about life at higher levels of existence. But to anyone at those levels, things are well understood. (1)
We choose the form we’ll live in at that level. Matter solved. Long-standing question answered. I do hope folks are interested in the question.
Steve: We have about 10 minutes to go and like to return to something we just touched on in other talks or readings and that’s the subject of the transcendental. In other words, what happens to humans after the 12th dimension? What is the future for humans after the 12th dimension?
AAM: When you are, and you are learning and you are going into the 13th octave as well, (and this will be a great focus for the upcoming time) but the transcendental is when you are in the fullness of what you can think of, as sacred divine union. When there is that full knowingness and connection with your divinity and the divinity and that that sense of experiential experience in the various dimensions, not that it is erased but it is overridden. It almost becomes inconsequential because you are in that place of divine knowingness.
Steve: What is my form, what is it about me that could be called human at that point?
AAM: It is what you are … well shall we call it ultra-human? We don’t do that in normal conversation because we do not wish to create these divisions.
So it is not that you are beyond human form or that you can assume human form but it becomes literally a choice point.
In the human reality, in the creation and the assumption of what you think of as physical body form, it was intended that this would be not a place, as you have put it, that you are trapped in (this form). But that you would be more clearly in the ability of assumption or non-assumption that it is more of a flow and that there isn’t that artificial barrier between your Divinity, THE Divinity and your form. That is what really changes.
Steve: But of course we retain our individuality all the way up to mergence, do we not? We talked recently about how we come back from mergence, which is a big change in my own thinking. But we retain some individuality all the way up to that final act of mergence, do we not?
AAM: That is correct.
Because you drop it. You know, there are things, elements shall we call them, of your beautiful sacred self, of your uniqueness that you will let go of, discard along the way. But let us put it this way: As you are becoming greater ultra-human, shall we say, it is expanding.
And so the truth of the understanding, of the wisdom, of your pattern, your uniqueness, your divine, your sacred self, becomes greater. And in that, there are parts of yourself that you tend to not fire but just gently let go of.
You say, “Oh, I used to think that was an integral part of myself but it isn’t. I don’t want to maintain that” and it simply floats away back to the Light, to the central energy of the universe.
So there is a greater increase in clarity until truly there is the ultimate release when you say, “You know, I don’t really want anything. All I want is to be One.”
Steve: But, intervening between that time and now… I’ve reached the 12th dimension. I’ve decided to pass beyond the 12th dimension. Where do I find myself?
We’ve used a catchall word, “transcendental,” for that time. Obviously I am formless by this point.
But the reason I ask is that Ramakrishna talked about meeting some of his devotees in the transcendental and I tried to visualize what he met. Did he meet people with the body? Did he meet people with any kind of form?
AAM: It is a combination because there are those who choose to continue to have a form but it is like taking a bunch of energy molecules and saying, “I’m going to put it into this form” while others are simply much in greater bliss and freedom to simply be this sheer energy.
You can meet as sheer … Think of it as a field, a beautiful field, of sheer energy and you will fully recognize it as if it is the current form that you know today.
Steve: [Why did a recent discussion of the Transcendental get shelved?]
AAM: They felt that it was too far advanced.
Steve: That’s what I thought.
AAM: They felt that it did not speak to their audience, let us put it that way.
Steve: Do you think I should stay away from conversations about the transcendental? Is it too advanced?
AAM: The time will come in the very near future when you will talk about the transcendental. Right now there are so many that in fact feel that they are struggling to just maintain. And even the news of new beginnings and expansions is a stretch for them. So it is a quantum leap for them to go to the transcendental.
Steve: How is Raj, the new Buddha, doing?
AAM: He is wonderful. He is very low-key. He is mostly hidden except to a few who are guiding him, shall we say, on his path. You will encounter each other. Do not worry.
Steve: All right, that’s exactly what I wanted to know. I have reached the end of my questions. Wow did I have a lot!
AAM: Dearest heart, there have been big questions today that you will indeed ponder and I want you to know that I am with you pondering them and setting direction. You are doing well, keep going.
Steve: Thank you very much. I appreciate our partnership very much, Lord, I really do.
AAM: As do I. Go with my love, farewell.
(1) In the same way that higher-dimensional love or peace are not imaginable to the Third-Dimensional mind. We have to “be there” in a peak experience to actually feel their qualities.