Madame Helena Blavatsky, Founder of Theosophy
Given the interest in Ascension, the Event, or a planetary heart opening, I’ve reworked two series from the past into one, going over all the voices I’m aware of who talk about the New and Golden Age.
This can also serve as an introduction to new readers.
(Concluded from Part 5.)
Twentieth Century (Cont’d.)
British Spiritualists of the Late Twentieth Century (Cont’d.)
In the late 1970s, Helen Greaves channeled a spirit who called himself an “Elder Brother,” and predicted Ascension, calling it “ascendency.”
“Oh, Closed Minds, open to the revelation of the Divine Law! Fulfil the teachings of the Great Ones; accept the Living Water of Truth into your minds in preparation for the New Age of the revelation of the Spirit!” (1)
“The New Age of Aquarius [is] now dawning on the world. …
“Yet, even as indeed we may be the Elder Brethren of your human race, and able to view the present trauma of your planet with detachment, still our duty and our joy is to release to your worlds some ray of that Divine Purpose by which all creation moves to its ascendancy.
“Such a moment in the plan for your cosmos is now immanent. These powerful vibrations of truth will make ingress into man’s mind and heart as the Living Water of the Aquarian Age is poured out upon all mankind, in the centuries when, following these tribulations of retribution for past cruelties, remorse for lost opportunities, and the dismal errors of the substitution of temporal power and affluence for Spiritual Grace, have been purged from all nations.” (2)
Around the same time, Sir Ronald Fraser was also telling us from the spirit planes that the Aquarian Age was coming:
“There are so many new forces about to be unleashed that we all long to warn you. Conserve your mental and physical energy. It will be needed.” (3)
“Earth is ending – or nearing the end – of a cosmic day which in this case synchronizes with the end of an Age and the entrance into the Aquarian Age. Such times are always times of great distress and unawareness.” (4)
In the same collection of postmortem writings, the Polish martyr of the Second World War, Father Andrew Glazewski, used his time with Helen Greaves to report a Second Coming.
“We can do so much more with your planet besides just looting and despoiling; and for that reason I am hoping that a moment will soon come when other beings will join you on earth to show and to demonstrate another way of living. I want you to reach out in thought to these greater beings by asking the Christ to bring his Christed ones within the earth vision. This is the plan for which we must prepare. It has been called the Second Coming. But it is not in the least like the original Coming of Christ. This will happen at first slowly, and all over the world people will appear possessing great dynamic force and power.
“They will not command. They will keep in step with all of you in all the different walks of life, but slowly, gently, they will impress the love ray, and their gentle influence will be felt and guarded. Take this into your conscious mind and hold yourself alert to meeting, as you may well do, one of these advanced beings. The earth is ripe for this even and there are an increasing number of awakened ones now in the body. See that the number grows and do not lose heart because of the apparent futility of your efforts.” (5)
No one would associate Theosophy founder Helena Blavatsky with the late Twentieth Century. However, at the end of the 1970s, she returned, to Robert Leichtman to discuss the “new teaching” expected soon.
“There is a new teaching coming out. It’s going to come from fresh sources. This is the nice thing about the differences in generations – fresh sources can come along. So let’s not call it yoga, although I think Alice used that particular term, and I did too. We meant something that is not literally yoga – not Hatha Yoga or Raja Yoga or Kundalini Yoga or any of the specific forms of yoga. It will be a new teaching that is distinctly Aquarian, distinctly western, distinctly new, distinctly open, distinctly clear, distinctly scientific – and I hope distinctly humorous too.” (6)
Not only did Blavatsky return but Arthur Ford also visited with Leichtman and gave the same message:
“Humanity is vaguely aware that something momentous is about to transpire.” (7)

Psychic Arthur Ford
“The reason you’re seeing so many second comings of Jesus, second comings of Buddha, and even the rise of black magic and Satanism is because humanity is vaguely aware that something big is going to happen. …
“Humanity is tuning in, more or less consciously, to these particular forces coming from within, from the inner planes, at this time. This is one of the reasons why there is such a rise in the interest in psychic phenomena, after all – because we are all making ready for the reappearance of the Christ. Jesus only had one harbinger, but the Christ of the New Age is going to have several million harbingers.
“As you know, several of the people who were associated with Jesus during His life have now reincarnated. They don’t advertise it, but these people are genuine.” (8)
Ford felt a single individual would arise as an avatar, but, really, we have several avatars alive today.
“Whenever there has been an avatar, there has been a lifting of the vibration of the whole human race. You can look for that and much more. The physical plane is rapidly moving into the fourth dimension. Part of the avatar’s work is to raise the consciousness of the planet so that this particular transition can be made. That is the first thing that will happen.
“You’re going to be noticing within your lifetimes that some things are not working quite like they used to, and this will be an indication that this transition is happening.
“At the same time there will be an increasing awareness of some of the inhabitants of the inner side of life – entities such as elves, angels, and spooks. This will be another indication of what is happening.
“The major work of the coming avatar is to lay the foundation for a truly spiritual civilization based on a clarification of ancient wisdom and a new revelation. He will guide us up the next evolutionary step for mankind, which is basically what every avatar comes to do. …
“I don’t think he will be working through the framework of traditional Christianity any more than Jesus Christ worked through the traditional framework of Judaism. He will probably have his beginnings there, because that will be the predominant religion of whatever community he is in. However, I’m sure he will go beyond it. We forget that Buddha began in the Hindu religion and broke through the traditional framework for that and created something new, too.” (9)
Thus many guides and spirits have been telling us since the 1870s that we could expect a new era, a new world, a new revelation, and a new dispensation soon on Earth.
It would totally recast human relationships, our relationship with the Divine, and the way life would be lived on Earth.
It’s surprising how accurate so many of those sources are when compared to what the Company of Light are saying today. Their names for the advent of Ascension and the Golden Age may not have lasted but the details of what they expected seem to have been for the most part borne out.
And now we stand on the verge of the first palpable Ascension events – perhaps a global heart opening – and the realization of all these men and women tried so hard to have us wake up to. The Great Awakening now begins.
(Return to Part 1.)
For your reading enjoyment, this series has been turned into a book.
Download it here by opening .pdf file and hitting “File – Save Page As”: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/The-Golden-Age-in-Modern-Prophecy.pages.pdf
The Golden Age in Modern Prophecy.pagesFootnotes
(1) Spirit teacher called “Elder Brother” in Helen Greaves, medium, Living Waters. Sudbury, Suffolk: Neville Spearman, 1978, 117.
(2) Spirit teacher called “Elder Brother,” ibid., 117.
(3) Sir Ronald Fraser in Cynthia Sandys and Rosamund Lehmann, The Awakening Letters. Jersey: Neville Spearman, 1978, 175.
(4) Sir Ronald Fraser, ibid., 175.
(5) Father Andrew Glazewski, ibid., 95.
(6) H.P. Blavatsky in Robert R. Leichtman through the mediumship of D. Kendrick Johnson, H.P. Blavatsky Returns. Columbus, OH: Ariel Press, 1980, 72.
(7) Arthur Ford in Robert Leichtman, The Psychic Perspective. Columbia: Ariel press, 1978, 102.
(8) Ibid., 103-4. I myself know one colleague of Jesus who returned and is addressing us.
(9) Ibid., 104-5.