Greetings and Salutations,
Bearing good news. Always good news: the times and the efforts of the gathering forces of light and good will are working in harmony and in concert to bring about a shift [that] is now.
People see the world and how the world leaders respond to them. The changes underway are being conducted from a higher frequency level than one can fathom.
Remember the Mayan prophecies — and the ending scenario for most all corporate entities? Remember the comment that money was going away and would be shifting such that value would be in a different venue.
So be it. That is happening via the cryptocurrency and other electronic discoveries that make this a most interesting time.
Money has become an issue for most everyone: hard to get, to keep, to manage, to deal with, easy to lose, and all those aspects that are numerous and do not need to be named.
It is not that it’s being done over night because it isn’t but it is a reminder that many things in the earlier Mayan videos are occurring even as we speak this day.
And I think now is time to let you know that as the struggles continue to free up the humanitarian funds, there is an undertow of duplicity and outright thievery.
We wish we could tell you that all is in readiness — and in some ways it is— but in some ways it still gets tied to banks and to organizations that still do not think much money should flow out to a culpable public. Which isn’t that far from true for a goodly percentage….P….