Integrative Spiritual Development a& Energy Mastery
with Tiara Kumara, Ravindra Walsh, Athena Melchizedek Sananda
Next Sessions: Thursday, March 17/19
Fusing with the Light of your Soul
This is a monthly program of spiritual development that delivers high frequency light transmission and supported by integrative group process and spiritual satsong.
The success of this highly transforming program is attributed to the divine currents of grace that bless this empowered work, in response to the resonant group harmonic and unified intention.
March Sessions:
This transmission initiates your path for Divine Presence embodiment. It infuses you with the codes of light for deepening self realization.
This places great focus upon personality refinement and mending the behaviors that are driven by the perception of separation.
One of the most influential initiations on the spiritual path, and one that marks a grand turning point in our self-transformation, is referred to as soul fusion.
This is the phase of spiritual awakening when the human personality and the incarnated soul fuse to become one unified entity. It is then that a refined and more ‘soulful’ personality assumes the dominant position in life and is charged with a great sense of purpose.
It is the attachment to our personalities that is one of the most challenging to release. To add to this challenge, societal programming continually plays upon who we are as a personality. It is how we are judged and even glorified in human culture.
Yet, our human personality is impermanent; therefore, it is not even real. It is made up of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual energies that are continually in flux and change.
Up until now, the channel of the personality has been a pathway for the soul’s expression. Likewise, the soul has served as a pathway for the expression of the Divine Presence. Essentially, the soul has been in the middle, bridging messages from the greater self to the human personality.
After much purifying and purging of the personality, we finally reach a point of great clarity and inner stability. The personality body has become so mastered that the soul’s role as an intermediary is no longer needed. A vibrational upgrade occurs in which the two become one.
This is what esoteric texts define as being a ‘soul-infused personality’. This polished and more refined personality moves out in front. There is now direct contact with our Divine Presence with no more bridging required.
Soul fusion is the stage where we make permanent transition into a life of higher purpose, focused solely in unity consciousness.
March Sessions:
It is only at a certain stage in our spiritual development that the outward expression of the Divine Presence becomes active. This is when the physical, emotional and mental bodies are sufficiently balanced and stable enough to marry with the soul as one unified entity.
This is an immense statement because it involves many areas to bring into stability.
It means that we have freed ourselves from all attachment to personal and material identity. It means that we are living with an attitude of equanimity with all that is happening on the stage of life. In other words, we do not respond by taking sides and no longer get triggered into divisive response.
During this MARCH EMPOWERMENT, we are calling forth deepening personality transfiguration upon your human energy field and life reflections.
Our greatest intention is to support your expanding ability to see, really see any and all of the divisive responses and thought patterns that are appearing in your outer mirror of reflection.
The transforming light of divine grace will be with us as we dive deep into our personalities this March!
The Sessions of Empowerment
The sessions deliver initiation, activation and light encodement.
These are 30-minute sessions of high frequency energetic transmission, empowered by the resonant group harmonic and our unified intention.
Through the facilitation, you are sustained in a container of love’s
intelligence while the transforming light naturally flows to where it is needed most. This is in accordance with your phase of soul initiation and current life situation.
It is your Divine Presence that is ultimately in charge as it works in tandem with your powerful intentions for advancement.
with Optional Integration Support
These classes help to ground the empowerment in daily life.
These powerful Integrative Sessions are designed to help you assimilate and sustain the new and expanded energy while navigating through many situations of life engagement.
These are lively, 90-minute interactive sessions and group process. You join with other dedicated lightworkers to further activate, integrate and ground the empowerment session and its related developmental focus.
This takes place two days post the Empowerment session and through the online visual interface, “Zoom”.