Healing metaphors: Bread rising
Someone wrote a book some time ago called Therapeutic Metaphors. I never read it, but the notion of healing metaphors has never left my mind.
Bob Jackiewicz gave an example of one a while back: The good wolf/bad wolf theme. (1)
It also shows us how we can “partition” consciousness to promote healing.
We have a good wolf in us and a bad wolf. That’s another way of saying we have compartments in our mind, the content of which creates a “persona” or “character” with a role, lines, gestures, etc.
This ability to compartentalize allows us to be sexy one minute and studious the next or angry one minute and nice the next. We make a quick and hopefully seamless change from one persona to another.
Those who do rapidly and smoothly change persona are considered socially-accomplished and adept; those who don’t or can’t are ignored.
None of this of course is authentic or transparent or of any value. It’s just how we “did life” in the Third Dimension, in my view.
But I put the ability to partition to good use the other day by dividing my mind into “Big Steve” and “Little Steve.” Sort of like older and younger brother.
My awareness is becoming sharper (my memory is also starting to come back) (2) and so I notice things now that I didn’t before. Undoubtedly the many energies being sent to us are also a factor.
I watched myself use this device the other day. I was hurting from some mess I was busily making in my life and suddenly Big Steve arose and took command of the situation.
He pointed Little Steve (my everyday consciousness) to a project I started the day before (3) and away we went. All upset was instantly forgotten.
And I know better than to force something on myself. So none of this was forced. The device actually worked.
Switching from Little Steve to Big Steve persona caused an instant dropping of unwanted feelings, replaced by a feeling of okayness and self-command.
How or why it works is beyond me. I only use consciousness. I don’t claim to be able to explain it.
This device comes in handy when we’re in the dumps. It’s Little Steve who’s down. Big Steve is not. And if we can reach that bigger “part” of our consciousness or mind, then we can emerge from our upset in a moment. What does Suzi call it? Altitude! Elevation!
Usually we’re concerned to make the many One – “integrate our aspects,” “get ourselves together,” “achieve unity consciousness.”
But sometimes in the pursuit of healing, using the mind’s ability to think of itself as compartmentalized can be used to good advantage.
In continuing to observe myself working with this healing metaphor, I found myself at a choicepoint later. I distinctly saw I could respond to a piece of music I was playing with Little Steve or Big Steve. I chose Big Steve. Again another first.
How to carve out a lifestyle consistent with Ascension and financial wayshowing one step at a time.
(1) “Bob Jackiewicz: Listening to the Good and Bad Wolf,”
(2) I have had no short-term memory since before 2012. I was told it was to oblige me to leave the Third Dimension behind emotionally and turn to flow and the moment, parts of higher dimensionality. In my last reading, Michael told me it would now start returning.
And the other day, in fact, having coffee with a friend, after we were briefly interrupted, I was able to recount every topic we discussed in the last five minutes. I would never have been able to do that a month ago. Out of my mouth, out of my memory.
(3) In preparation for the green flag, I was gathering Michael’s advice on the Michaelangelo Fund from several files into one. No, I don’t know anything you don’t. Just optimistic.