I’m out of town at the moment.
In researching an article on enlightenment as gradual and sudden, I came across this explanation of how “the rules have changed” today, which I repost. From June 2017.
Back in 2014, St. Germaine told us: “All the rules have changed.” (1)
Archangel Michael agreed:
Steve: Is the realm that we’re building and taking our physical bodies with us to altogether new?
AAM: Yes, it is brand new.
Steve: Brand new, and the rules have changed?
AAM: That is correct. (2)
How have they changed? St. Germaine gave one example: Our ability to travel interdimensionally has significantly changed. Previously it wasn’t possible to this degree. He says:
“You have decided to maintain form. That doesn’t mean we’re going to have you punished by not allowing you access to the 7th’
“That is the old paradigm. ‘You can’t come here, unless you die.” Well, that’s not true! That’s what enlightenment and Ascension is about.
“You can go as far, you can go and feel and be the Love that is the 7th Christ consciousness. You can have it all and then you pull it into your physical form so that you are a walking, talking, working, creating Christ consciousness Being.” (2)
Not only have the rules changed and we’ll look at that more below, but we humans have also changed. Archangel Michael agreed that we could not have had this kind of mass, physical Ascension 2,000 years ago.
Steve Beckow: It’s a fundamental quality of Ascension as it’s becoming – the new mass, physical Ascension. Is that not correct, Lord? I’m not sure that it was the quality of ascension, say, 2000 years ago, was it?
Archangel Michael: You have not had the experience of Ascension in this manner 2000 years ago. Yes, you are correct in that. (3)
One of the changes is that we don’t necessarily have to have repeated experiences of major enlightenments (Cosmic Consciousness, Brahmajnana) before they stick; one experience could suffice now. We discuss that here:
Steve: Now I think it was Sadhu Arunachala who said that one needs repeated experiences like this before something major happens. For instance, Brahmajnana or Sahaja Samadhi. Is that a correct statement?
AAM: It is correct. (Hesitating) Now, when it was written it was absolutely correct. But as you also know, the governing rules have shifted and changed.
Now the reason that any being wants that repeated experience is that it is so beautiful, it is so fulfilling that you want to have it again and again and again until that sense of familiarity, the knowingness of your natural Self then becomes who you are.” (4)
So we’d want repeated experiences because the state we find ourselves in is so desirable, but not because we need them to make the higher-consciousness state stick.
The process of sticking looks as if our emotional floor has been raised.
At first we’re having a peak experience. Then, gradually, the point of awareness shifts and the emotional floor raises itself and what was a peak experience now becomes just who we are.
Now we have a desire, not to go back to play-acting, but to know our Natural Selves.
“And so that you don’t want to, not that you can’t, but you have no real desire to go back and assume some of these other masks or faces. It is not that you disregard them but your natural Self is more and more present.”
But the level of repetition that’s required for the experience to become who we are is lower now than it was in the past.
“So for some, once is enough. For others it is repeated. But it is nowhere near the level of repetition that might we say was once required because the separation – what people have thought of as separation – is not so strong.” (5)
(Continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) “Transcript: Heavenly Blessings – St. Germaine on Where to Look for Results,” channeled by Linda Dillon, July 15, 2014, at https://goo.gl/OxNpnG.
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Lida Dillon, Sept. 21, 2015.
(3) “Transcript: Heavenly Blessings – St. Germaine,” ibid.
(4) Archangel Michael in “Transcript ~ Archangel Michael: Peace is Love, May 11, 2017,” Channeled by Linda Dillon, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/05/21/transcript-archangel-michael-peace-is-love-may-11-2017/
(5) Archangel Michel in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 17, 2017. Repeated experiences of Cosmic Consciousness used to prepare us for Brahmajnana; repeated experiences of Barhmajnana prepared us for Sahaja.
(6) Loc. cit.