March 8, 2018 ~ Suzanne Maresca and Linda Dillon welcome Communications Officer Galea to the airwaves, and our discussion is around the various forms of communication available to us.
Our guest pointed out that we’re constantly transmitting our thoughts and feelings out into the world around us, and as such powerful creators we want to be responsible for what we’re putting out.
Heavenly Blessings airs every other Thursday at 7pm ET
There is no call in number
Our guest outlined 4 types of verbal communication:
- Saedor is balanced, mother-led, heart-balanced communication;
- Perro is fact based conversation devoid of emotionality;
- Paca comes from a need to help others from our own sense of insufficiency. It may or may not communicate factual information. It can be used in the processing of core issues, and also used for emotional blackmail and an inappropriate call to arms;
- Badu is violence, mind control.
As wayshowers, we are progressing into the use of language to say “I am of love, you are of love and this is how we can proceed together in cooperation” knowing that a conversation can be a blend of Perro and Saedor.
Galea also spoke of our growing empathic and telepathic abilities, that in fact all Humans are empaths…but in varying degrees we’ve found ways to deny that skill.
Tune in for a lovely visit with our Galactic friend, Galea.
Heavenly Blessings is a show in which we join with the Council of Love to share gifts, blessings, stories and insights through meditation, channeling and conversation. This show aims to assist individuals on their individual journey and also to build support and mutuality with the inhabitants of earth, the higher realms, and with our star brothers and sisters.
Music: Sasha Lazard, Angeli and Snatam Kaur, Long Time Sun
Linda’s website ~
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Heavenly Blessings airs every other Thursday at 7pm ET