I asked Paula to share with us her adventure in consciousness.
Every year during the full moon in May, I participate in the Wesak Festival meditation, a Buddhist celebration described in Alice Bailey’s writings.
On this day, I travel to the Realm where the Temple of Wesak is manifested for a gathering of souls from all the realms.
The Hall of Wesak is a large auditorium where souls receive their assignments for the next 12 months. Every year, the experience is different for me, and this time I was met by a Guide who introduced me to a higher state of consciousness.
Wesak – Saturday, May 2009
I just went to the Temple of Wesak to have a peek and the air is festive with excitement. Many souls are already there.
I begin my ascent and feel the stillness of Peace. I feel altered now. I am in the Hall of Wesak.
“We shall begin now,” I hear from a Guide. I feel myself becoming larger, imposing. Getting larger and lighter. Leaving my thoughts. Feeling still…..
“You have mastered the art of listening”, I hear. He means that I have learned to attune myself to the higher frequencies of Beings so that I may converse with them. “Let us go to where your future awaits you”.
I feel altered. I feel calm.
Please let me see you, I say.
“I am a Pure Consciousness Being, he says. (That is why he does not have a physical form.) Feel me and hear me”. OK.
“You are entering the Realm of the Divine. Each step along the way has brought you closer to Him. (Even though we use the term Him, The Divine is not a person). Tonight you will understand Him as never before.”
I am ready.
“Prepare for a revelation, a gift of understanding, an awakening, a message and deliverance.”
I feel altered.
I am attached to my Guide and we are rising and going higher and higher. Everything is falling away below me. Now he is in front of me. We are preparing to enter a realm. I resonate as pure consciousness, almost formless. I enter a room with yellow lights, yellow walls.
“We stop here.”
I find my spot and am not aware of chairs. I gently occupy space. It is not a large room like in the Hall of Wesak, it is smaller. Others that are here are like me. We are alike vibrationally, like a family.
I move and feel etheric, not quite solid, and as I move, my energy field is loosely attached to my semi-etheric body, like a disjointed disconnect/reconnect, when I move.
Also, I feel as though I keep falling into the Void. The room disappears as I shift into, and become the Void.
I keep reconnecting with my Guide, for point of reference. He is the only thing constant.
What is going on? I ask.
“You are becoming expansive.” What do I do with this?
I feel fortunate to have him showing me this new state of being.
“You are vast. Now you see…. You are the Realm, you are the Vibration, you are the fluidity of motion, you are its vitality/dimension, you are all of it. You are its quality, its immortality, you are its nature of Being.”
I feel myself as it, its nature, beingness. I am The Realm. I know It. That is why I feel ungrounded. It feels different, fluid, expansive, and alive. I go inside the Void again and feel. It is good. Its Divine Essence within it. I want to stay here forever, stable and strong.
I notice that every time I go inside the Void, although it has no light, I feel God, sense God there. His Peace and wisdom. Right there. Its grand and majestic essence. (I learned later that the Void is the unmanifested nature of the Divine. Like a pregnant pause.)
I am back in the Yellow Room, floating on the back of my Guide. “Feel this room”. It feels as though it is pulsating with energy. I become expansive and lost in the yellow light. Mindless.
Now my thoughts begin again. So I focus on my Guide and feel on track. There has been a shift is the density of the realm and I see my physical body and am aware of every nerve and muscle. I stretch and want to smell the scent of peppermint. It smells expansive. I feel my body through the Realm that goes through it.
“Practice. The more you become the Realm, the more your blocks will be released. You have the vision to heal now. Meditate and practice.”
Thank you.
“And so, now you are ready for your Wesak assignments.”
I am connected to his heart area. He is looking straight into my eyes. I feel altered again.
“Remain in the place you are now. Be of service to those who need you. Maintain your daily duties, refrain from worry and burdensome thoughts. Keep a pleasant composure. This is your assignment at this time. Remain poised in your duties. Your beautiful nature will not go to waste. Give it freely and rejoice in it.
“Practice exaltation in your true essence. This is your practice at this time. Have faith in the future, what is to come. We cannot tell you more at this time. Practice your meditation and continue to keep sacred company in your meditations. Teachings await you to further your growth. You will not be abandoned and your efforts will not ever be futile. You are a bright sun on this earth. Now contemplate these new insights. Go in Peace.”
“Practice and remember what you have learned tonight. They unlock many answers for you.”
Thank you.
Paula Forget is a Meditation Instructor and leads groups on journeys of self-discovery. She shares her story in Guided to the Higher Realms: a Personal Journey of Ascension through Meditation. www.paulaforget.com/inspired