Our loving thoughts go out to Sheldan and Colleen as Sheldan recovers from what seems to have been a directed-energy-weapon attack. We encourage contributions to help them.
I have a suggestion for financial wayshowers, if you’d allow me.
It relates to some advice that Archangel Michael gave me about how to proceed with my work as a steward of the Mother’s wealth.
“The work is not simply for Lightworkers. It is to bring those who think that they are alone, isolated and forgotten … to the warmth of Gaia’s hearth fire.
“Begin at home and get your feet wet. Begin with the disenfranchised adults – women, then men, then children, because the children will benefit right off the bat regardless – and then extend yourself to what you have thought of as the marginalized populations – yes, criminals [and] those who have been locked up because people label them mentally ill. Then spread your wings across the globe.” (1)
Begin at home. Take care of our own town or city first. And then our state or province. And then our nation. And then go out from there.
Why? Because we feel the most love for and connection with the people in our own city. Then the people of our state or province. Etc. By the time we reach out to the world, we’ll be saturated with love and very skilled in our business.
“Then spread your wings across the globe.”
If we entered the global arena right off the bat, we’d be unskilled and lack a feeling of connection with the folks back home or the local population.
If we enter the global arena after we attend to our own locales first, we’ll be filled with love to share with the local population somewhere else, supported by the folks at home, and well-trained in the area.
So, for instance, I’m starting with the Vancouver Project (local) right off the bat.
We’ll then extend the benefits to the rest of the Province of British Columbia (provincial).
Then the Canadian branch of the Hope Chest will manage a three-year Universal Basic Income (UBI) program for Canadians (national). (2)
Only later come the projects with a global reach and more UBI programs in other countries, as my funds allow.
We’ll first get our feet wet at home and then move outward.
People who live in rural areas, may I invite you especially: Refrain from sending your money to large, urban foundations. Don’t send it to me.
No one knows your community better than you and probably no one in the city would serve your community better than you. That’s probably why you’re there.
Irrigate your local community first. Only after that, look farther afield, if you’d permit me to say it. Perhaps on other rural communities? We need folks as philanthropists who can see farther than just the city. We’re in a resurgence of Mother Nature.
And then there are others whose sole/soul purpose is entirely global. They want to end leprosy worldwide or give all children education. Your situation is different and my words don’t apply in your case. (We’re all different.)
For the rest of us, let’s see that our emotional home base is taken care of before moving outward.
Begin with the disenfranchised and the marginalized, Michael says. And he lists them.
What ideas can we have? Build homes for the homeless. Pay existing restaurants to serve food free. Create jobs beautifying the local surroundings, repairing bridges and highways, installing free wifi universally, etc.
Put people back to work. Create model employee working conditions (no more than six hours a day, Michael told me) and benefits packages. Bring in universal medicare everywhere on Earth. No one should be bankrupted when their health fails them. There is no reason for it.
We said that, to have our world work, our job as lightworkers was to turn unworkability into workability. We’re asked to begin at home, with the disenfrachised and the marginalized, and work out from there.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Aug. 6, 2013.
(2) Hope Chest International (HCI) will be entirely financed by the Michaelangelo Foundation. Its mission will be (1) to attend to the needs of lightworkers and (2) to sponsor Universal Basic Income (UBI) programs in as many countries as possible. There will be branches of the Hope Chest in every country. We’ll start the UBI program with Canada.