In this excerpt from my Feb. 20 reading with him through Linda Dillon, Archangel Michael tells us that the storm of allegations against President Obama is false.
They’re a continuation of the meme that dogged him as President. At that time, the cabal rendered him impotent with ridicule and criticism; now the cabal is blaming him for everything that happened in his presidency.
He says that the President has a future global role and is focusing at present on building the new rather than defending himself against the old. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
Steve Beckow: My sense of the criticisms and allegations against Pres. Obama is that the recalcitrants are trying to saddle him with the responsibility for what they themselves have done, just as they neutered him when he was president. They are now blaming him for everything that happened during a presidency in which he was prevented from doing anything!
Archangel Michael: That is correct.
There is a great deal of negativity that is pouring out against Obama, mostly because on a subtle level – and this includes President Trump, by the way – on a subtle level they are fully aware of the power that lies behind this man.
They may not be consciously aware. And they are trying to negate his sense of power because, as you well know, as things progress, this one will have a global role.
Steve: Thank you for that. Am I correct in assuming that if any of these allegations were to go to court they would be unsuccessful?
AAM: That is correct. That is why Obama is being very specific about where he is putting his focus and his focus isn’t about dispelling the lies. It is about creating the new.
Steve: Yes, I see that. There was an allegation [by Q Anon] that he put $29 million in a Singapore bank. Was that correct?
AAM: No.
Steve: I thought it wasn’t. Well then, I’m not entertaining any of the criticisms against Obama until they’re brought to an uncorrupted court.
AAM: No. Stand back, sweet one.