Shooters gunning down children, war, pedophilia, the opioid crisis — how do we forgive?
We know a place of balance is in detachment and attachment to the highest vision.
But what if the action is so heinous, we get caught in the wheel of judgement, anger, hatred, fear. . . ?
Archangel Michael, interviewed by Steve, February 12th on An Hour With An Angel told us:
“Forgiveness is not about liking everybody. It is about being the Love.” (1)
I’m feeling judgement for external patriarchal control, in the without, not the people, but the behaviour, the actions.
But as within, so without. . .
So what am I judging within?
Where is my own control within?
What am I afraid to forgive?
My own experiences
not of love?
Archangel Michael says we, as lightworkers, are forgiving “our not expressing and experiencing” ourselves “as Divine Perfection,” of “allowing” ourselves “that scenic detour to be less than:”
“What you are doing is you are taking the Mother’s and the Father’s Essence of Forgiveness. One of their Divine Expressions, and bringing it down. And anchoring that forgiveness, that sense of deep compassion and awareness of gentleness, kindness.
“Forgiveness is never permission other than permission to surrender.
“So, you are anchoring that. And in anchoring that you are beginning to feel and to know and experience the forgiveness of your sacred self.
“Your inclination may be, ‘I forgive myself for not being perfect,’ but that would be erroneous.
“What you are forgiving is your not expressing and experiencing yourself as Divine Perfection, of allowing yourself that scenic detour to be less than.
“And you look at that, and you let it go. You forgive it.
“Forgiveness has the ability of elimination: more organic change, the dissolving of what may have felt like a huge boulder, which you have experienced. and allowing it to dissolve.
“Then you take that, and in that you can begin to forgive externally. In the without as well.”
So I wrote down the internal and external things I judge/am here to forgive:
I judge/am here to forgive
my scenic detours,
over lifetimes.
I Am the Love
I judge/am here to forgive myself,
for not expressing and experiencing
my self as Divine Perfection
this life, many lifetimes.
I Am the Love
I judge/am here to forgive the people waging war, who rape,
are involved in pedophilia, trafficking, the opioid crisis.
I Am the Love
I judge/am here to forgive shooters gunning down school children.
I Am the Love
As lightworkers, Loveholders, gatekeepers, pillars,
forgiving ourselves within creates
change in the without;
as within, so without.
Archangel Michael says that heinous behaviour is not something to like:
“Now, let us go back. Do you think that when we or the Mother observe some heinous behaviour that she likes it? No. That she likes the person acting that way? No. But the Love for the Divine Expression is always there.
“So, it is not really about…it is almost, might I suggest today, insignificant whether you like or dislike an individual or a group of people. That is you, that is your personality. And when I say you, I mean all of you who are listening this night. That is your personal preferences based on your life experience, your many life experiences, your culture, your acclimatization to society or to institution. It is simply personal choice. Love overrides that.
“Let me repeat: Forgiveness is not permission.
“So, when you forgive yourself or, let us be very particular, when you are forgiving someone you dislike, you are not saying, ‘Let’s have dinner together’. You are not saying, ‘I have a spare room in my house, come and live with me.’ You are not saying, ‘Be my best friend.’
“The gift of forgiveness is to yourself. Because carrying around a burden of what you feel is injury, because that is really what it is about, is injury to your sacred self. So, that is why I suggest to you, I tell you, the forgiveness begins with yourself. And then you can move out to the outer realm as it were. But it has nothing to do with liking or disliking. And I am not suggesting to you (this is a good topic), that forgiveness eradicates boundaries.”
The gift of forgiveness is to me. . . in unity, connectedness, balance.
Archangel Michael reminds us again that forgiveness is never permission:
“Now, more than ever in this time of new beginning, in this process of creating, and co-creating Nova Earth, in this time of a unified grid, boundaries are more important than ever. Because as you are progressing what you are saying — passively, actively, silently, or in heart speaking — you are saying, ‘This is acceptable, and this is not acceptable. And invading my values, my heart, my Love, my sacred being is not acceptable.’
“As Yeshua has often said, and I will repeat, ‘Turn the other cheek,’ which is forgiveness, does not mean that you will allow that individual, or that group, or that energy to beat you up.
“That is not acceptable. And that is why we say, ‘Forgiveness is never permission.’ It is simply lightening your load, your burden. So, when you dig deeper, beloved, when you say, ‘I really am having trouble forgiving this or that person, and what will happen if I do extend an apology?’ And the apology does not always need to be in person, or even spoken. But what will happen?
“I ask of you. All of you. What are you afraid of? It comes back to where we have started this conversation. And it is that those that are reluctant and recalcitrant are in fear.”
From personal experience apologies are wondrous, whether one is asking or receiving, when guided, I highly recommend proceeding.
However, with my issue of judgement of control, I feel there’s more. . . What to do?
Archangel Michael says:
“Now I have this new mechanism that I would like to suggest to each and every one of you who may be caught in this tricky recalcitrant position. And I will share it with you.
“Ask for help.
“Yes, my friends. If you feel stuck, this is not about you always demonstrating Herculean strength, determination, fortitude. This is not about flexing your Divine Muscles.
“Ask for help.
“We are Legion. When you say to us, when you say to the Mother, when you say to Gabrielle, or Raphael, or Uriel, ‘I am stuck. It is too much. I am giving this to you. Help me,’ it will be over in an instant.
“If it takes a little time, it is because there is an understanding not lesson, understanding, a comprehension inside that situation that you need deeper insight into. But when you ask for help, my beloveds, it is a guarantee, we’re there.”
I call on the Mother and the Mighty Ones for help:
I invoke the Mother
and the Mighty Ones for help
for elimination with forgiveness
all futility, judgement, anxiety, doubt,
disappointment, sorrow, shame, anger, fears,
lack of self-love, lack of self-worth,
feelings, thoughts, actions.
There is no hierarchy/control in the higher realms.
Sitting still.
Feeling the sorrow.
Deeper sorrow, the tears
from this lifetime, past lifetimes.
Allowing, allowing, allowing, allowing,
seeing the scenes, apologizing, forgiving myself.
I Love you, myself
I apologize to you, myself
I forgive you, myself
I Am the Infinite and Eternal Flow
of Apologies, Forgiveness and Gratitude,
Love, Peace and Joy
I feel compassion, kindness for myself, others, LOVE
There is no such thing as mistakes.
The only mistake humans make is in judgement,
when they judge themselves or others to be less than,
when they do not see the glory of their own Divinity,
and that is just sad.
My Principal Guide
Mother of Sandy Hook Victim
on Parkland School Shooting
Feb. 17, 2018, Scarlett Lewis’ 6-year-old son Jesse was killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Here are her thoughts:
“My heart goes out to the parents of the Parkland victims. I know the agony and despair well, having your precious child viciously massacred in what is supposed to be a safe haven. There are no words.
“After every tragedy (more than 200 hundred school shootings since Sandy Hook Elementary School) we react, argue, accuse, and become more fearful yet this has done NOTHING to prevent these shootings.
“SCHOOL SHOOTINGS ARE PREVENTABLE. And we know how to do it. We need to cultivate the courage to think proactively and preventatively. . .
Please join us for nightly
wherever you are
change within = change without
When there are billions holding the energy
of the ONLY acceptable reality
being PEACE and LOVE
then peace will reign.
(1) “Archangel Michael: Forgiveness is Never Permission,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, February 12, 2108,
Audio: An Hour With An Angel, February 8, 2018,