I had a reading with Archangel Michael through Linda on Feb. 20 and one of the comments he made was that Avaaz would do fine in their battle against Monsanto.
I’ll have those comments up when the reading is transcribed after the weekend.
While we’re on the subject of taking action to help Avaaz, there are so many other fronts on which we could also be taking steps if, like me, you feel the call to action.
I was going to give examples, when I realized that doing the lightwork I thought of could people in harm’s way.
Are there folks who could be looking at other things than Avaaz and Monsanto, drawing on their own specialized, professional experience, without putting themselves in harm’s way?
It doesn’t have to be in Accountability. It could be about Ascension, Abundance, or Disclosure. Take something you know and begin contributing pieces to the puzzle, safely.
In the reading I just had with AA Michael, he told me so many new things about the chakras and dimensions – and the changes in our access to the dimensions – that I had to acknowledge that my knowledge of them has been rendered obsolete.
Everything I studied about enlightenment, spiritual discipline, and the nature of Reality is antiquated in the face of this new knowledge. If I can say goodbye to everything I ever learned, well, if it ever comes up, it should make it easier for you!!!!
We don’t have to be sitting here chafing because Abundance hasn’t arrived.
This lifetime I’m what’s called a rajasic personality, a busy type or Type A personality. Which is just as well if one’s mission is to help build Nova Earth.
A precipitate of being jostled out of my sleep by Monsanto’s attack on Avaaz is that I now feel the need to be active rather than waiting. But suit yourself.
But if you are itching to get down to work, look to your background. See what jobs you’ve done. How can that be translated into lightwork?
Find good charts on trends in your country and post those to help others understand what’s happening there?
Filter out what comes across your timeline on Facebook and repost it to a blog that specializes in a lightworker subject like an end to hunger, the arrival of world peace, an end to sexual harassment, etc.
Supply good, useable graphics on Pinterest.
Repost your tweets along focused subject lines?
Let’s zero in on what will make the world work.
Let’s start building informationally.
Let’s get the intellectual and emotional muscles limbered up again after years of being on idle (if we have been), in action and ready to begin as soon as we see the green flag.
Envision the waving of the green flag of Love and Abundance.