I continue to enjoy Poof’s commentary….
Greetings and Salutations,
And the message for today in a nutshell is this: there are trigger points, there are nodules, and pockets of resistance here and there yet to be overcome but the pile of crap is getting smaller and smaller for all of the dedicated workers who must deal with it.
The efforts to derail this mission have been great. There are those who justify their actions declaring “those people are not worthy enough, they haven’t done the due diligence,” and all the other excuses they can come up with, who are losing ground!!
I am happy to report that the gathering forces for the emerging outcome are indeed bringing together great resources to force a positive outcome. For that you should all be grateful!
Make no mistake; take the high road, wait it out a little further and deal with the frustration if you need to. Something this big and so deeply etched into the machinations of those who have had such total control takes a lot of time to dig out of.
It’s like digging out the roots from a long time planting; or like cutting away the excess dirt from a garden bed, that and more can serve as a correlation to what is occurring right now. The corn is ready to be shucked and the groundwork is being laid.
I would hope that all of this will become past history by next weekend. I along with you await the outcome with much Eagerness. …P…