Credit: Korsgaard’s Commentary
I was asked to write an article discussing the Company of Heaven’s views on whether it’ll be necessary to stockpile food and drink in the coming times ahead.
When I began to research the subject, I found a lengthy discussion of the matter from Archangel Michael in 2016 which I think about covers off on the subject. Here’s that discussion. Thanks to Harrigan.
Steve Beckow: Now the notion that we need to stock up on living necessities for a month, is that accurate?
Archangel Michael: It is not accurate. This is the fear….
You are seeing the old patterns come to the forefront. So what you are witnessing is those who have very clear memories, current and long histories, of enslavement, saying the “masters” – and that takes many forms, cabal, Illuminati, those in power, those I don’t agree with – are going to do nasty things to me and so I have need to enter into a realm of extreme protection so that I can hide away.
Now at the same time you and we are saying there is massive change. Spring has already come. The floodgates are open.
The new paradigms are anchored. People’s hearts are expanding. Your systems are shifting. You are awaiting blessings of all kinds.
There is a dichotomy here that is of the old duality polarity. So there are people who are saying, “Yes, we are engaging in the new and by the way I am really afraid and I am going to go away and hide.”
That is not the job or the path of lightworkers.
Are there shortages in certain areas of your planet. Yes, and there have been for a very long time.
But the purpose of these changes that we are very actively speaking about and that we are all with you working upon – you as the implementation team, we as your backup – are positive. [You are not meant] to be cowering in the corner hoarding. That is of the old.
So the opening of those floodgates means the wherewithal, and the political wherewithal – and I use that in the small ‘P” political – to make sure that food is available for everyone. A very practical example.
So when you hoard, what you are doing is that you are reinforcing the old – that you are in need, that you cannot create, that you cannot bring forth.
It is always wise to keep water and some food on hand, simply as you [may] want to spend the day in quiet reflection. But to hoard makes no sense. It is not our guidance. It is not what is needed. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 2, 2016. )