Events in the news, our communities, with family or friends can be catalysts for us to feel triggered.
Something outside of us has activated, triggered uncomfortable feelings within us.
Where did these feelings come from? How were they created?
This planet has a history of violence, inequality, suffering that can begin upon birth here.
We have created these feelings that are not of love with our human behaviour.
What to do?
I have been guided to question myself when triggered by something external to me.
Questioning the self helps get to the root of why we are triggered and bring us back to balance in the heart.
Here are some of the questions I ask myself, after which I take notes:
How is this triggered feeling connected to the past?
How is the triggering event similar to a situation in my past?
What little phrases not of love am I saying, starting with “I”?
We can be triggered by external present-day events that are similar to past events in our life.
Keeping a journal can be really helpful to see the patterns in our behaviour. We can have similar triggers over and over.
The short “I” statements, such as “I want out” or “I don’t care,” replaced with the mantra below or very simply with “I Am Forgiveness” and “I Am Compassion” create healing, balance.
When we get how an external event is connected to the past — similar past events and feelings — it’s easier to forgive what has happened, so as not to be triggered by external events moving forward.
We are here to forgive everything, especially traumatic incidents that track back to the original triangle of mother, father, child — being forgiveness in gratitude, in service — anchoring and reflecting the Divine Mother’s and the Divine Father’s Love.
External disturbing events
can trigger past situations and feelings within
that are ready to be forgiven.
I Am the Love for myself
I apologize to you, myself,
for my feelings not of love
I forgive you, myself, for my
feelings, everything not of love
I Am the Infinite and Eternal Flow
of Apologies, Forgiveness and Gratitude,
Love, Peace and Joy
I Am Balance
Hakuin Ekaku and a Baby
Below is an inspiring story of a Japanese Zen Buddhist monk called, Hakuin Ekaku, (January 19, 1686 – January 18, 1768).
A beautiful Japanese girl whose parents owned a food store lived near Hakuin.
One day, without any warning, her parents discovered she was pregnant.
This made her parents angry.
She would not confess who the man was, but after much harassment at last named Hakuin.
In great anger the parents went to the master.
“Is that so?” was all he would say.
After the child was born it was brought to Hakuin. By this time he had lost his reputation, which did not trouble him, but he took very good care of the child.
He obtained milk from his neighbours and everything else the child needed.
A year later the girl could stand it no longer.
She told her parents the truth – the real father of the child was a young man who worked in the fish market.
The mother and father of the girl at once went to Hakuin to ask forgiveness, to apologize at length, and to get the child back.
Hakuin willingly yielded the child, saying only: “Is that so?” (1)
Hakuin could have been triggered by the baby if he was holding onto old ways of being within.
In balance, he had deep knowing to take good care of the baby, without need of approval, worry about lost reputation — ability to be compassion for self and others — and then to give it back without fuss.
Nothing can trigger us when we have forgiven ourselves for everything and are in a place of gratitude for everything.
This is balance.
Our Divine State of Love, Peace, and Joy — anchoring and reflecting the ability of the Mother and the Father to forgive everything — is our service in gratitude to the Mother/Father One, our Gaian community.
(1) “Hakuin Ekaku,” from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, httpss://