Folks, for long years, we’ve been hearing about Monsanto’s criminal actions against farmers.
We’ve heard of Monsanto shutting down farmers by throwing patented GMO seeds into their fields and then suing them for patent infringement.
In the attached video, one farmer tells how his father was sued around the re-use of soybeans when he wasn’t even sowing soy beans.
A seed cleaner, he feared Monsanto throwing some seed into his grain stock and then closing him down by “proving” patent infringement.
This farmer was threatened with death. When he reported the death threat to court officials, Monsanto offered to drop litigation and go to mediation.
Farmers in the Far East (many in India) have committed suicide in large numbers because they cannot afford to buy seed every year.
Mata Amritanandamayi pays pensions to widows of farmers who suicided because they could not afford the annual cost of GMO seed grain.
Now Monsanto is suing Avaaz to try to shut them down.
Avaaz recently received a 168-page court subpoena. Their email is reproduced below. (1)
Avaaz does good work. They’re at the forefront of lightworker/activist efforts. In my view, we lightworkers need to assist Avaaz.
It’s time for us either to shut Monsanto down or to oblige it to act as a decent corporate citizen.
Where all corporations hurt is in their pocketbooks. They need to sell their goods and services. We need to buy them for all to work out.
We need to stop buying Monsanto products.
This is a primary boycott, not a secondary boycott (yet). That means boycotting only Monsanto products and those of its subsidiaries.
It does not mean boycotting products that simply have Monsanto inputs (secondary boycott). That could prove injurious to small businesses, etc., and it isn’t our desire to do so.
In 2013, I asked the Divine Mother on An Hour with an Angel how we were to stop gender persecution, such as a local tribal council ordering the “judicial” rape of a woman, and she recommended targeted boycotts. See below the video for that conversation.
I now invoke the authority of the Divine Mother in calling for a total boycott of all Monsanto products.
If video does not show, here is a link:
Here’s my conversation with the Divine Mother:
Divine Mother: You have need to shift attention from the glory of war to the glory of peace. And that is by having people who will speak up and take appropriate action where such persecution [of women] is present. …
It is very practical, but it begins spiritually, with the clarion call of “no.”
Steve Beckow: Are you suggesting an economic or financial boycott in certain areas of the world in which evidence of persecution is there?
DM: That is exactly what I am saying.
SB: Now, would that be a very specific boycott? For instance, I’ll give you an example. A jirga [local council] in Afghanistan or Pakistan sentences a woman to judicial rape or condones an honor killing. Are you suggesting a financial boycott of that region of the country?
DM: It has to also be clearly expressed that that is the reason you choose not to support that economy.
SB: Okay. I think I get where you’re going. (2)
Monsanto has proven itself to be a rapacious global citizen. Nothing short of our rejection of their products and services – until they forsake their predatory practices – will stop them from their apparent mission to control agriculture globally.
I ask everyone to stop buying any of Monsanto’s products or services and those of its subsidiaries.
Sign our petition: Consumers of Monsanto products: Boycott Monsanto at httpss://
(2) “The Divine Mother: Your Lifotff to Creation is Underway – Part 2/2,” February 5, 2013, at
(1) Avaaz’s letter follows:
From: “Ricken Patel – Avaaz” <[email protected]>
Date: February 16, 2018 at 9:25:20 AM PST
Subject: Red alert: Court Subpoena from Monsanto!
We just told Monsanto’s lawyers we’re going to fight this — let’s show them how hard we’re going to do it! Here’s the email —
Dear Avaazers,
We’ve just been hit with a 168-page court subpoena from Monsanto.
We have only days to respond, and it “commands” us to hand over every private email, note, or record we have regarding Monsanto, including the names and email addresses of Avaazers who have signed Monsanto campaigns!!
This is big. They’re a $50 billion mega-corporation, infamous for legal strong-arm tactics like this. They have unlimited resources. If they get their hands on all our private information, there’s no telling what they’ll use it for.
So we’re going to fight this. Because Monsanto may have unlimited resources to intimidate, but Avaaz has unlimited people power, and our members just aren’t afraid.
Our deadline to respond to the subpoena is just days away — donate with one click to help defend our movement, and let’s send Monsanto a message: every time they come at us, they’ll only make us stronger —
We urgently need to hire outstanding lawyers to go up against Monsanto’s best. Just fighting this subpoena (read it here) will be costly, and it could be just the beginning.
We don’t know Monsanto’s plan, but we know one reason why this is coming — Avaaz has repeatedly beaten Monsanto in huge regulatory battles, including blocking the long-term relicensing of glyphosate, the herbicide that is the cornerstone of their chemical empire. We’re winning. So they’re changing the game.
The subpoena indicates that Monsanto needs all our private information to fight class-action lawsuits against them claiming that their glyphosate caused people’s cancer. If that seems absurd to you, you’re not alone. But they’ve gotten the authority of a US court behind them, and we urgently need the best lawyers behind us. Donate to help defend Avaaz, and let’s send a message of defiance to Monsanto:
There aren’t many corporations in the world that are more powerful than Monsanto. The fact that we really can defeat them, shows just how real our movement’s people power has become. If we stick together, with hope and determination, we really CAN change the world!
With hope and determination,
Ricken, Emma, Fatima, Danny, Hui-Ting, Spyro, Marigona and the entire Avaaz team
More information:
Glyphosate — Crushed it!! (Avaaz)
httpss:// Campaign group Avaaz calls on EU to block Bayer’s Monsanto deal (Reuters)
httpss:// eu/campaign-group-avaaz-calls- on-eu-to-block-bayers- monsanto-deal-idUSKBN1A922S Monsanto’s Harvest of Fear (Vanity Fair)
httpss:// Patients: Roundup gave us cancer as EPA official helped the company (CNN)
httpss:// cancer-allegations/index.html/