On the last day of 21 Days of Forgiveness, as Steve and I were filming the video, out of Steve’s mouth came, “The road to peace is forgiveness.”
So beautiful and now the new title for forgiveness posts. Thank you, Steve.
And thank you to Suzanne and Linda for Heavenly Blessings, Valentine’s Day special program (1), Jesus Sananda speaking to us of Love in the most eloquent way, encouraging us to listen to his message many times.
Love, for me, is everything, the good, the bad and the ugly.
At the end of the 21 Days of Forgiveness postings, deeply buried hatred was emerging.
As we do this work, the reason it feels like it can go on forever, is because there are so many layers to get through, before we find the real gunk.
In my Love is clarity of self hatred. . . uncovered, fully visible. . . the Mother’s Gift of Clarity.
I’m standing on my balcony within, holding hands with the Mother and the Father, remembering to balance my tri-flame, masculine, self in the middle, feminine.
The Mother is reminding me of Her Blessing and Virtue of Prudence (2) that St. Bernadette so wonderfully explained to us February 2013:
“Now, in this process of Ascension, all energy, and all focus has been on the Love, and on the heart, but you will notice that in prudence, the focus is — on the Halion — which is at the bottom of your rib cage, and your connection to the star beings, your brothers and sisters who are very present, not only above but in your neighbourhoods as well — and the siroun — which is the high heart.
“Now, why is this so? Because when you are opening both of these centres, what you are doing is allowing now for the heart — without interference — to come into balance, into that place of moderation.
“One of the reasons why this Council of Love has asked you to focus on the blessings and virtues — because the proofs, the landmarks, the markers have become internal — rather than external, and this is something new for you to learn.”
She goes on to say:
“Moderation — and particularly in the current Western civilization is not always a very popular notion — and yet it is an absolutely necessary, and essential ingredient to your forward movement in Ascension, and in the anchoring of Nova Being, and Nova Earth, because in moderation there is no high drama.
“Now that does not mean that there are not moments of incredible excitement. Excitement is absolutely wondrous. It is akin to the virtue of awe, and joy, so do not think that prudence is so blasé. It is not.
“It is in the place of moderation, and so it is the balancing between this fire (siroun high heart chakra) and the healing waters (Halion chakra beneath the heart).”
In Linda’s book, “The New You” prudence is defined in this way by the Council of Love:
“Twin of temperance. The ability to know in all situations when to proceed and when to retreat; when to take action and when to be still; when to offer help and when to keep silent; to know in exact measure what is required whether it is in baking a cake or healing a psychic injury.
“All things in correct measure, prudence encompasses the quality of moderation, the genuine knowing and practice of everything in balance. No one person can live in only one area of their being, their life, and truly be representative of the whole.
“Prudence allows for the complete and total release of addictions. An unusual trait on Earth.” (1)
Self hatred, sludge, barnacles, the concept, under that is the buried treasure — the LOVE — ability to detach from everything not of love with the Mother’s Clarity and Prudence, “to know in exact measure what is required” — apologies? forgiveness? gratitude? — “the genuine knowing and practice of everything in balance.”
I Am the Love for myself
I apologize to you, myself,
for everything not of love
I forgive you, myself, for my
recalcitrance, hatred, futility
I Am the Infinite and Eternal Flow
of Apologies, Forgiveness and Gratitude,
Love, Peace, Joy, Balance
An interesting aside, back in 2015, after I was guided to ask for three apologies, upon receiving the third one I stopped drinking coffee overnight.
2017, I began drinking coffee again, the deeper I went into myself.
Now that I have uncovered my self hatred, I have no need for coffee, addiction gone overnight, again.
I see it is more important than ever for us to forgive ourselves for everything, especially self hatred, from this and every lifetime.
The self hatred we carry, any judgement we make, effects everything we are connected to.
I apologize to
and forgive myself for
all self hatred
Understanding and knowing the interconnectedness of everything, when we take “responsibility — response ability — for our own peace,” we affect, help transform, our world.
As within so without.
St. Bernadette in her explanation of prudence said:
“We are going to take care of one another.
“We are going to lift up out of the poverty, in every sense of the word, of the human existence, and we are going to be prudent in our actions, not only with ourselves, but with one another.”
Forgiveness is an inside job
that can be extended to others.
Scarlett Lewis
“Every thought has a ripple effect, and this ripple effect means that everything that we do impacts. . . Please think about, what you think about, and change just one angry thought a day into a loving thought. By doing that, you’ll positively impact yourself, those around you, and through the ripple effect, you will make this a more peaceful and loving world.”
Read and listen here to Scarlett Lewis — amazing podcast
Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement
to join us on
the Forgiveness Road
(1) “Heavenly Blessings ~ Valentine’s Day with Jesus Sananda,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, February 14, 2018, https://inlightuniversal.com/heavenly-blessings-valentines-day-with-jesus-sanada/
(2) “St. Bernadette Discusses Prudence: The First Gift of the 13 Blessings & Virtues,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, February 11, 2013, https://counciloflove.com/2013/02/st-bernadette-discusses-prudence-the-first-gift-of-the-13-blessings-virtues/
(3) “The New You: Emerging Into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness,” by Linda Dillon, 2013, page 182