Q Anon (1) recently posted what he (she, they) calls a “breadcrumb” or intel message, which is about the most revealing look at the White Hats’ plan from an insider source so far.
Q Anon appears to be an administration-linked insider with the sanctioned role of rallying support for the cabal takedown among activists and lightworkers by feeding out accurate intel from the highest levels of government.
Speculation is that Q – either an individual or a team – is either in the White House or at the highest levels of military intelligence. This conclusion arises from the careful proof Q has supplied over time – and still supplies – that he is close to the President.
What he said is contained in the screenshot, above.
Indeed would the public believe that rogue actors from the CIA and past heads of state (I don’t agree with his probable inclusion of Obama) have initiated a missile launch to start World War III?
I sincerely doubt it.
That would seem to be too big a leap for a lot of people. How would they know whom to believe? And the Mainstream Media would be calling out “conspiracy theorists!” Many people have swallowed and integrated that one.
How would you tell friend from foe?
I know that sometimes it’s hard to rouse me and so I can imagine that it might be hard to rouse others to the truth of what’s happening. Q Anon says the White Hats cannot afford to take the chance that the public remains totally asleep (or totally awake) to what is happening. Q said on another occasion:
“Understand one simple fact – the US is connected to the rest of the world. Knowing that, understand, by default, if certain intel is released it would cause a WW/mass suffering. We share the idea of open source but value life and must make decisions base decisions on outcomes and containability.” (2)
So the arrests cannot start, he says, until:
(1) First ensuring the safety and well-being of the population (so disarming the cabal);
(2) Defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent rescues and reprisals;
(3) Freezing assets, by way of EO on Human-Rights Abusers, to remove the possibility of major international coalitions forming; and
(4) Neutralizing chain of command to prevent reorganization.
We know much from the Company of Heaven about the Divine Plan, the need for our participation, etc. (3)
Now here’s an informed commentator giving us the White Hats’ strategy as seen from ground level. These are the “boots on the ground” we all speak of.
A few days ago, we saw a Russian airliner with 71 people on board blown out of the skies to kill one big player in Uranium 1 and the Trump Dossier (and some say Loop Capital). Team Dark remains dangerous. As long as it does, it causes extensive collateral damage and tries to keep the population in fear.
Against them, the White Hats are trying to keep the populace both informed and calm, while closing down a dangerous, worldwide adversary.
They’re managing a bloodless, quiet second American Revolution, with worldwide implications and on a scale that would have been unimaginable two decades ago.
We can do our part by shouldering the difficulties this presents for us and supporting them with our patience and encouragement.
Folks, please, people who don’t agree with my political point of view: Either address me respectfully and civilly in your email or I will not respond. If you don’t receive a reply from me, that’s what happened.
Anger, hatred, and insults are not acceptable forms of communication any longer, if they ever were.
We’re not going to agree on everything but we remain lightworkers. That implies tolerance for each other’s POV and respect for free will.
(1) Here are sources on Q Anon: “The Great Awakening” thread at httpss://8ch.net/greatawakening/index.html; The Book of Q, at httpss://drive.google.com/file/d/1G6guY_q-PzZfdJM4ItzmQIF9gfPrOQxk/view; “QAnon: The Storm and The Awakening. An introduction article into the QAnon posts” at https://www.magapill.com/o/q-clearance-patriot-qanon.htm; and collected breadcrumbs at ps://qcodefag.github.io/
The Feb. 11, 2018 quote cited at the head of the article can be found at httpss://qcodefag.github.io/
(2) Q Anon message, Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 540a54, at httpss://qcodefag.github.io/index.html.
“WW” could mean “worldwide” or “world war.” Either way, global suffering.
(3) For the Divine Plan in general and particular, see “A Divine Plan Exists/The Galactics and Celestials Follow It” at https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=The_Plan_and_Process_of_Ascension#A_Divine_Plan_Exists.2FThe_Galactics_and_Celestials_Follow_It ; “The Revaluation (Reval) and Global Currency Reset – Progress” at https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=Our_Situation_in_the_Golden_Age_of_Gaia#The_Revaluation_.28Reval.29_and_Global_Currency_Reset_-_Progress ; and “But Stand Back from the Chaos and Observe It” at https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=Our_Situation_in_the_Golden_Age_of_Gaia#But_Stand_Back_from_the_Chaos_and_Observe_It