This Valentines Day marks the 20th anniversary of the Council of Love going online. How I remember the excitement at birthing this with my friend, Michael.
The image above was the very first COL website. How adventurous it felt at no longer typing, printing and physically mailing the COL newsletter around the world. I recall worrying and wondering if a website would work – if folks would actually read something online.
We’ve come a long way with the help of our seen and unseen friends. I no longer worry about if folks are going to buy into this computer thingy – and even with the occasional tech frustration and snaffo, I love it! Thanks for sticking with me for 20 years – thanks for welcoming the Council into your heart and home.
Conscious Creating with the Divine Mother
The New You is a master creator. In fact, the core mission and purpose of the Nova Being is creating. As we claim and embrace our maturing ascended selves, we are at the same time claiming our birthright as the Creator Race.
So, where do we begin in this creation process? The COL has given us the Creation Formula as the starting point: INTENT + STILLPOINT + ACTION = CREATION
The piece of this equation that is most often the sticking point for many is Stillpoint, and yet this is an essential piece of how creation actually takes place. It is the place of nothingness, the meeting point in the center of the infinity symbol, the space between the inhale and exhale, the pause within which the fertilization and leavening, the implosion and explosion, occurs. The often hectic pace of our lives distracts us from this stillness which lives within, patiently waiting for us to draw our focused awareness to it. Yet it is an absolutely essential component of the creation process.
In the Conscious Creating with the Divine Mother course, you will be taken by the hand and guided step-by-step through the Creation Formula, with special emphasis to assist you with obtaining and sustaining Stillpoint for that magical 17 seconds (or longer). So, no need to fret or be intimidated by this piece of the equation. Rather, I suspect that with a little practice, you will be drawn to return there again and again for the sheer luxuriousness of the peace that it brings. Yet it doesn’t stop there, as in the CCM course, the Mother of all Creation will be showing us how to marry the Creation Formula with the Universal Laws for a no-holds-barred approach to limitless creation!
Class begins on Feb. 24, and registration is open. I hope you’ll be joining us!
COL Volunteer Circle
The Council of Love Volunteer Circle is welcoming new volunteers to join the ranks of beautiful and diverse hearts from around the world who have a desire to assist in making the messages and teachings of the COL available to all hearts everywhere. Although we welcome the unique gifts each one brings, no experience is necessary – the only prerequisite is a willing and loving heart.
At the moment, we can especially use an audio editor to assist our YouTube team. All our audio editing is done with software, so there’s no complicated equipment to learn. Training and support are provided. If you have a good ear and can do detailed work, this may be a good fit for you.
If you are interested in joining our COL Volunteer Circle, please contact our coordinator Jeri at [email protected].
Happy Valentine’s Day my friends!
Linda Dillon
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