Creating with the Divine Authority of your Ascended Self
A Council of Love Webinar Series
Begins Feb. 24 through April 21, 2018 (Feb. 24; March 10, 24; April 7, 21)
Five 1.5-hour live classes on alternating Saturdays from 1-2:30 Eastern
What would you do if the Divine Mother offered to teach you how to create in Her manner? Would you say yes or would you turn away? Would you say, “I’m not ready yet – I would rather cling to the old paradigms of lack and limitation?”
Or would you say “Yes!” and jump on board? Would you say “Yes this is my birthright – this is ascension and I’m goin’ for it?”
In an unprecedented move, this is exactly what the Mother is offering. The Divine Mother, with the phenomenal assistance of Sanat Kumara (planetary logos) and St. Germaine (supreme alchemist), is offering to take your ascended self by the hand and guide you in Her method of manifestation, to learn Her approach of bringing the dreams of your heart into physicality. The Mother is stepping forth to assist you in maneuvering within the landscape of this New Beginning and embracing the offerings being laid at your doorstep.
Learn the Techniques for Birthing Your Heart’s Desires
The purpose of the Conscious Creating with the Divine Mother webinar series is to teach you the dynamic COL method of how to consciously create as your ascended self in your everyday life. Utilizing the toolkit of the Creation Formula and the Universal Laws, you will walk through the steps of utilizing the formula and applying the Laws in focused action to bring forth creations of your choice, and of your making.
This is a webinar series that transcends old paradigms and belief systems. This is not a class for clearing, but rather for those who are ready, aware and excited about consciously experiencing their ascended selves and anchoring Nova Being and Nova Earth. It’s a class about laser focus, expansion and productive outcomes.
Each participant in this intensive will be choosing a minimum of 2 tangible creations to birth during our 8 weeks together. Come join this group of conscious creators. Claim the fullness of your conscious multi-dimensional self and learn the techniques for birthing your heart’s desires.
This is the quintessential New Beginnings Class!
This never-before-available Course Includes:
- Live dynamic Forum with Support Team Facilitators
- All Class materials, including Universal Laws book, downloadable powerhouse meditations & live channelings
- All classes are recorded and available for viewing directly following the class – no worries ever about missing a class!
- Mentoring, creating, & tons of interactive Q & A
- Creation Formula
- Belief Systems
- Creation Process – always universal & individual
- Over-lighting by the Universal Mother, Sanat Kumara &
St. Germaine - Weekly Practice & Commitment
Law of Sacred Purpose
- Knowing your Essence &Truth
- Review of Divine Authority
- Aligning, Anchoring & Expanding
Laws of Balance
- Above & Below/Within & Without
- Give & Receive
- Attach & Detach
- Attract & Repulse
Laws of Unity & Unification; Transmutation; & Instantaneous Transmission
- Buddha, Jesus Sananda, Maitreya, Sai Baba
Laws of Dispensation; Elimination; Continuity & Completion
- Karmic Dispensation Board
- Strict SK adherence
- Mother Mary
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