Spirit always finds a way to get us what we need, even (and maybe especially) when we don’t know we need it.
Today on this cold, rainy Sunday morning, I went out to the end of my long driveway to discover my lovely new mailbox on the ground instead of perched atop the spiral-inscribed post where it used to be.
I stared in momentary disbelief as the nature of the damage came into focus. Someone quite purposely and violently tore the thing right off.
Weirdly, there were two undisturbed but soggy pieces of mail inside. I had also gotten a package that was in a plastic bag on the ground…still there. The driveway is pretty much ice so I can understand the driver not wanting to come up.
Once I took in what I was seeing, I got pretty mad. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to wake my daughter up with the news that our beautiful, artful new mailbox had been violated.
What a crappy feeling! It was on the trip back up the driveway that I entered forgiveness mode. The thought process was something like this ~
Who would do such a thing? Was it personal to me? Was it because our mailbox is clearly an unusual one, natural and handsome to behold?
How do I tell my daughter about it and when?
It was in contemplating the telling that clarity flowed in.
I went upstairs and she’d just woken up. Good morning, how are you?
So I told her the story. Of course she was upset. Heartfelt conversation followed that was inspired by the forgiveness aspect of such an event. Everything right now is quite purposeful and together we contemplated what might be in this experience for us.
At the very least, we have compassion for anyone wounded enough to perpetrate harm or wanton destruction. There’s no point in holding onto what anger I felt about it. May as well let go of those emotions. Anger has a sacred purpose, indeed…for process and release, not for cleaving to it.
If I don’t practice forgiveness, I’m allowing the mad mailbox wrecker to determine how I feel and what my frequency is and how I impact the world around me.
That’s not happening.
I know what to do with this now and you know what? Inspiration came while I was in the shower that this was the softest landing my team could manage in order for us to have this experience.
“What experience exactly?” you might ask.
We live a fairly quiet life here, by design. Our interactions with people are all peaceful and friendly. We bless everyone around us and we travel with a Love Bubble.
To know what it actually feels like, even on this minor scale, to have someone destroy our property and still be able to forgive is a microcosm for what we’ll all be asked to forgive very soon. The exposures are coming fast and thick and are more disturbing than most of us care to imagine.
We can’t get where we want to be if our response to hateful things is more hatred.
This kind of knowing only comes from experience … so what better way to demonstrate to ourselves what really matters? We want to use our immense power to change this world by changing ourselves and how we respond to certain stimuli.
Think about it. All of this is purposeful, so what are we going to do with the experience? What point would there be in holding onto anger? Dwelling on the feeling of having my sacred space violated?
Rather we let those feeling arise and dissipate, replacing them with compassion and forgiveness. I’ll be letting the post office know to keep my mail for pick up and I’ll fix the box to the post again in a more solid way.
We’re also going to inscribe protective runes on it, and I want to paint a heart on the door as a message that there is only Love here, and only Love is allowed.