The Buddha, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, talked to us about the Universal Law of Attachment and Detachment (1) in this way:
“You bless each person, not simply with compassion, but with the Love of your heart.
“You do not attach to either your vision or theirs.
“This is a very important understanding for humanity that has an infamous tendency to get caught up in the drama of both their own lives, and certainly of others as well.
“That is why it is so critical at this juncture that you truly learn to be the observer because when you are fully anchored as the observer you are in detachment.
“You are simply watching, and when I use the word ‘watching’ — I certainly do not simply mean with your eyes or even your etheric eyes — I mean with your heart.” (1)
What is blessing?
My understanding is that blessing is the art of sending Divine Heart Feelings to self or another.
Being the observer (detached from all drama, old energy not of love, mental and emotional) with the ability to bless, to send forgiveness, compassion, gratitude is Nova Being.
This practise of being in the Infinite and Eternal flow of Divine Heart Feelings (detached from all drama) is balance.
The more we are in gratitude to our selves,
the more gratitude is returned to us.
The wisdom in Divine Feelings.
With that said, it is hard to be at the level of observer if there is forgiveness and apology work to be done.
Even with Divine Assistance, when the old trauma comes up to be experienced, it is an emotional rollercoaster ride.
The feelings of righteous anger are very real and accountability is an important step.
Rather than tamping down our emotions, burying our head in the sand — feeling the suffering, expressing, communicating the trauma in writing or in person — is the healing.
The wisdom in feelings.
In daily meditation work, practising balance, a way to access the wisdom in feelings is to say this mantra with feeling, not by rote.
Feeling the Divine Feelings, we eliminate of all lack and limitation.
Saying this mantra
with feeling is healing
I Love you and myself
I forgive you and myself
I apologize to you and myself
I Am the Infinite Flow of Gratitude
I Am the Eternal Flow of Forgiveness
Illustrating the power of Divine Feeling, thank you, Céline for your thoughts, and the post below.
“The beautiful faces of James Okina and Inyang Edem — never underestimate how nurturing and supportive a male can be — the faces and the future of humanity, another example of the difference one person can make.”
The Teen Rescuing Street Children in Nigeria

James Okina and Inyang Edem
Suggested Practice
Daily Invocation:
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Laws of Intention,
Balance, Change, Unification, Unity, Transmutation,
Instantaneous Transmission, Dispensation,
Attraction and Repulsion, Elimination
and Completion and Continuity
for forgiveness of everything
to create peace on Gaia.
I’ve found with, a consistent daily meditation practice alongside Universal Law invocations, comes greater understanding and knowing how to let go, how to embody the new.
During Your Meditation Time:
Sitting in St. Germaine’s Violet Bonfire
or bringing his Torch of the Violet Flame
into the heart space, observing, listening
for inspiration, the ‘how-to’ steps,
keys to forgiving everything.
P e a c e within
creates peace without,
as within s o w i t h o u t,
the Universal Law of Balance,
how things work in the higher realms.
8 Minutes @ 8 PM (wherever you are on Gaia):
Listening to Archangel Michael’s
Plea for Peace Now! Meditation
with his Mighty Blue Breath.
In the months after Archangel Michael’s Plea for Peace Now and Archangel Uriel’s Meditation for Drought were channeled by Linda Dillon, a small group and I have been gathering on Skype to listen.
Embedded within these meditations is magical expansion. . . Consistency, again, is key.
If guided please
share on social media.
The more of us participating,
finding that place of peace within,
the faster we manifest PEACE ON GAIA.
“When there are billions holding the energy
of the only acceptable reality being peace and Love,
then peace will reign.”
Archangel Michael
(1) Transcript: “Buddha, the Wayfarer, Explains the 6th Universal Law of Attachment/Detachment,” September 29, 2013, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love,