Thank you to Val for inspiring this post.
It feels like we’ve been working on our issues forever, but we also know we’re all here to experience Ascension, the return of Love on Gaia now.
What I’ve noticed — when the energy being sent to Earth expands and increases, as it has in the last while, especially since Jan. 27th — is the false grids, the old entrenched beliefs and our core issues that we haven’t come to peace with can be intense.
The old ways of being that are not of love can make us feel like giving up.
From my understanding, when we find ourselves suffering, we are recreating the past.
Sitting in meditation in the Violet Bonfire of St. Germaine, allowing the old emotions to be deeply felt, the tears to flow, here’s a question I was guided to ask:
“How is this old energy connected to the past?”
Divine Feminine abuse, patriarchal control, is the sorrow of humanity.
Greater understanding helps us to let go. . . to forgive everything.
The mantra I was guided to share, I’ve found to be very powerful, with past situations that are troubling.
I Love you and myself
I forgive you and myself
I apologize to you and myself
I Am the Infinite Flow of Gratitude
I Am the Eternal Flow of Forgiveness
In meditation, pictures from the past appear for clarity, and what I do is I repeat the mantra several times seeing the person(s) involved and the situation.
From there I ask:
Is there something to forgive myself or another for?
Is there an action I can take for greater peace within or without?
When the old patterns of suffering, troubling situations — our sorrow, shame, anger, fear — are completely forgiven, we’re in a place of non-judgement. This then can be our wisdom to share.
With our knowledge of what doesn’t work, we come to a place where all we want to do is reach out to comfort those still suffering. Our sorrow becomes our joy, our sacred purpose.
Consistent meditation — same place, same time, daily — is very very helpful.
Understanding and knowing, from our guidance, how to anchor in the New You, Nova Being, and Nova Earth, flows to us in meditation.
I Am the Infinite and Eternal Flow of peace and Love.
Dropping from the mind into our heart space, we align our mind, our thoughts, with our heart knowing, and our will, for action steps.
Heart, mind, and will in Divine Alignment,
where forgiveness of everything is possible,
creates peace and gratitude within/without.
Everyday upon awakening, we come to forgive ourselves and others more and more, discovering gratitude is a way of being.
Sanat Kumara is our beloved Planetary Logos and Keeper of Universal Law.
Here is a post explaining who he is:
Sanat Kumara on the Purpose of Life
Universal Law invocations help us change our thought patterns to Divine Right Alignment while holding the highest vision of balance, gender equality within and without, our collective Ascension.

Scales of Balance
Suggested Practice
Daily Invocation:
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Laws of Intention,
Balance, Change, Unification, Unity, Transmutation,
Instantaneous Transmission, Dispensation,
Attraction and Repulsion, Elimination
and Completion and Continuity
for forgiveness of everything
to create peace on Gaia.
I’ve found with, a consistent daily meditation practice alongside Universal Law invocations, comes greater understanding and knowing how to let go, how to embody the new.
During Your Meditation Time:
Sitting in St. Germaine’s Violet Bonfire
or bringing his Torch of the Violet Flame
into the heart space, observing, listening
for inspiration, the ‘how-to’ steps,
keys to forgiving everything.
P e a c e within
creates peace without,
as within s o w i t h o u t,
the Universal Law of Balance,
how things work in the higher realms.
8 Minutes @ 8 PM (wherever you are on Gaia):
Listening to Archangel Michael’s
Plea for Peace Now! Meditation
with his Mighty Blue Breath.
In the months after Archangel Michael’s Plea for Peace Now and Archangel Uriel’s Meditation for Drought were channeled by Linda Dillon, a small group and I have been gathering on Skype to listen.
Embedded within these meditations is magical expansion. . . Consistency, again, is key.
If guided please
share on social media.
The more of us participating,
finding that place of peace within,
the faster we manifest PEACE ON GAIA.
“When there are billions holding the energy
of the only acceptable reality being peace and Love,
then peace will reign.”
Archangel Michael