Picture Q Anon used to prove his bona fides as an insider
I had planned to post excerpts from a new book on accountability that I’ve edited.
But Kathleen has plans for a special series, which is more important and takes precedence, in my view.
So instead I’m posting the new book directly to “Downloads Page.”
It’s called What’s Happening on Planet Earth: The Accountability Phase of Ascension.
It’s designed to reassure people about what’s happening. Its material is taken from channeled sources. So this would only be useful for people who are at least partly awake to the existence of galactics and celestials, for instance.
And useful to you as well, I hope. It may help you arrive at a simpler explanation of events. I hope it’ll help you stay calm in what sees like a swirling and stormy sea.
It’s URL is https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Whats-Happening-on-Planet-Earth.pages.pdf
It’s free. Please send widely and repost. Copyright is declined.
You’re welcome to consider a donation to help pay for the research (via the Hope Chest). OK if you do; OK if you don’t.
What's Happening on Planet Earth?.pages