Just a few days ago, I wrote:
“My hat’s off to those now serving in the capacity of going through these allegations, sorting out what’s true and false, and repackaging it for us.
“The role I’d prefer to play is to keep pointing to the destination.”
But I realize that things are not as simple as that. The side of the Accountability story told from channeled sources needs to be told.
When the dam breaks, when the mainstream media is freed from Operation Mockingbird, when the truth begins to be told, people will want to know what’s going on? Who is helping us and who is hurting us? What should I do?
I don’t much like watching videos of really heinous crimes, but the Accountability story needs to be known. As much as is known.
So I’ve written (or edited) a book that gives the celestials’ and galactics’ side of the Accountability story. It’s title: What’s Happening in Our World. The Accountability Phase of Ascension. It’s free of course because we don’t want any of our literature to be less than universally available. However, we do invite a donation if you’d care to.
As background, I read so many ground-level accounts of current events that lack the kind of knowledge of the grand plan, so to speak, that only channeled messages can give us.
Will there be a nuclear World War III?
Will we end up in FEMA camps?
Will chemtrails kill us? Or pandemics? Or toxic vaccines? Or, wait a minute, depleted uranium, the planet-killer?
These questions and others are quickly and conclusively answered via channeled messages from ascended masters, on and off planet, and the celestials.
Here we are in the Accountability phase of Ascension. The recalcitrants face the choice to stay and change their ways or leave. The time of separation between Team Light and Team Dark is here. It was foreshadowed by SaLuSa as far back as 2009:
“The world is slipping into two realities, and the division will take place in accordance with the Law of Attraction.” (1)
“The dark are losing their ability to prevent you from discovering your true Self, and, instead of separating you from your Light, will find that it is you who separate from them.” (2)
Here’s Archangel Michael pointing to the same growing separation between Team Light and Team Dark:
“There is an intense polarization building between the various factions, not just in isolated places around the world, but in every country, involving every race, culture, religion and political affiliation. We have told you that the chasm between the Light and the shadow lands is widening, and it is very apparent from both a lofty and earthly viewpoint.” (3)
Without listening to the perspective furnished by the galactics and celestials through credible channeled communications, so much of what’s happening around us right now can be missed.
By the same token, not listening to boots-on-the-ground testimony means a lot is missed as well. The two complement each other, in my view, and a much clearer picture emerges when we draw on both of them.
Many people may be confused and many may be afraid of what looks like society crumbling. The news that people here about the true nature of some of their highest elected officials, Mike Quinsey’s sources said, “will shock many who have had little if any knowledge of their activities.” (4) That’s where we lightworkers come in with information. And to contribute to that body of information is the work of this latest effort.
In a few days I’ll begin publishing as a series here and elsewhere a guide to the Accountability phase, entitled What’s Happening in the World? The Accountability Phase of Ascension.
I’ll do it in a question-and-answer format because that’s the quickest way to get something out. And there’s more literature beyond that to get out.
First a book on what’s going on in the world. And then one on what we need to do about it. (Answer: Build Nova Earth.)
If you don’t want to be reading about the Illuminati, etc., perhaps skip this next series. But I think the matter important, even if it’s not my usual or preferred haunt. Word needs to get out.
The fruit is ripe and the laborers are few. Tweet. Retweet. Repost. Get the word out – everything’s going to be OK – wherever rough seas need calming.
(1) SaLuSa, Sept. 7, 2009, at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
“Division has started at third-dimensional level, and the groups of frequencies present in your plane of existence are being regrouped. From now on, you will be seeing many signs of division and regrouping manifesting in your reality. Companies will split, friends will stop seeing each other, families will separate, groups will be divided, etc. And at the same time you will be witnessing the absolute opposite; you will join new groups, you will feel closer than ever to your loved ones, family and friends.
“This change is neither positive nor negative. It is existential.
“This is a natural step in the mass-ascension process.” (Emmanuel, March 16, 2010, at https://www.emmanuelmessages.com/?p=668.)
(2) SaLuSa, April 13, 2009.
(3) Archangel Michael, Apr. 1, 2010, through Ronna Herman, at https://www.ronnastar.com/latest.html.