Inter-dimensional Communication: Decoding Light Language 3
A 2-Part Series
Friday & Saturday, January 12 & 13
11 am PT / 12 pm MT / 1 pm CT / 2 pm ET / 6 pm GMT
Online Webinars with Dr. Suzanne Lie & Lauren Galey
Downloadable MP3 Recordings
& Guided Meditations
Click HERE to Register for Only $97
Includes 2 LIVE Webinars PLUS Online Healing Retreat Master Classes: Light Language Courses 1, 2 & 3 (9 episodes in all)
Inter-Dimensional Communication
Our ability to have access to our multidimensional, higher senses is innately within us already. These are commonly known as
- Clairvoyance – ability to see beyond 3rd Dimension
- Claireaudience – ability to hear beyond 3rd Dimension
- Clairsentience – ability to feel/know beyond 3rd Dimension
What we get from this interdimensional communication, is ideas, emotions, thoughts, and memories of our Higher Self.
Consciousness may drop and we lower back down to 3D linear, because we cannot hold the higher frequencies for too long. Higher Dimensional communication with our Higher Self that remembers our lives on our home-world, star-ship, or other planets. We also remember our Galactic family and ascended masters who are recognized by unconditional Love.
It is very important to write down these messages…because our brain is not used to holding this frequency of communication and we will forget it in a short time. These messages will be forgotten if we don’t write them down. These communications come from dreams, meditation, and walking in nature.
It is an honor and responsibility to get these communications. We are a portal for them to use to get the information from the Higher Realms to the 3D realm.
If all of us who hear this call, can dedicate a certain place at a certain time, we will create a connection to the Portal of communication. This regular practice and dedication creates an energy field that is open for the communication.
AS we do this, an open portal is created, which creates a multidimensional energy field which is palpable to others by the Higher Vibration. After you have developed this relationship, you will recognize the Higher Dimensional frequencies and the Higher Beings associated with them. You will also recognize your important role in planetary ascension.
* Deeper relationship with Mother Earth, Gaia
* Aware of nature spirits
* Your life is filled with adventures with nature, plants, rocks
* You move into active participation with Gaia’s ascension
* Deeper connection with Higher Self
Interdimensional and higher dimensional experiences is what we choose, and we simply must get into the habit of opening an interdimensional portal. This is how we interact with higher beings. It’s very personal, and when you allow yourself to communicate with Higher Dimensions, you have to also communicate with your own Self and acknowledge these abilities within yourself.