Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, January 12, 2018
I cannot emphasize sufficiently what a fantastic achievement it was of yours to pass the marker in 2012.
From here on you will begin to see the signs of positive change around you, and the quicker the vibrations increase, the quicker they will manifest. In general terms some of the most important changes that will affect everyone are with the general lifting up of the vibrations. The higher energy will transmute the lower energies so that negative actions will begin to lose their power, and the ultimate will be when only the higher vibrations can exist.
Then you shall have become physical Angels with full consciousness as predicted long, long ago. In the distant future you will eventually move into the Inner Earth and its Crystal Cities. These are events well into your future, but how wonderful and uplifting it must be to know that great changes await you. At the same time, all life-forms of the lower energy will have followed their own path in a different cycle, to continue evolving.
If the idea of living inside the Earth seems strange to you, bear in mind that it is a normal development of all advanced human type lifeforms. In fact it is much safer than living on the surface, and with advanced technologies a “new Earth” can be created that would appear little different to living on the surface. The immediate gain is that you control all aspects of your environment, so you are never at the mercy of the weather extremes that are sometimes experienced on the surface.
Also realize that when you are so advanced, you will create virtually all you need through your power of thought. Let it be understood that your path to Ascension is already laid out, and where you come in is the manner in which you reach Ascension as it is down to you, but reach it you will because it has already been decreed. With your feet back on the Earth the future described seems far away, yet in reality you are beginning to give thought energy to that creation and it is beginning to take shape, as the potential already exists.
Some of you are already aware that your destiny is to become Galactic Humans and also a Star Nation. If you have ever wondered why your Earth seems to have attracted so much attention in recent years, it is because your challenge to ascend with your present physical bodies is unique. Now that you are on the final stretch to completion you will clearly go all the way with ascend in your physical bodies, and it will be a most remarkable first time ever achievement.
All of you are most revered and loved for your determination to succeed, and when you pass the finishing line there will be an almighty cheer in Heaven. There will be great celebrations all round and news of your success will travel the Universe. You will rightly be able to bask in the glory of your success, and the Blessings of God will accompany you.
Much is still happening on Earth and all through its history it has been very volatile at times, it’s continents seem to always be on the move, but earthquakes rarely seem exceptional. With your modern equipment and instruments you are now able to accurately predict where major Earth changes are most likely to occur, and prepare for them. The San Andreas Fault is known to be on edge, yet people seem prepared to take a chance by remaining in the locality, hoping to get due warning if a major earthquake is likely to occur.
However, in the course of time, changes in such areas will result in them having to be permanently evacuated. That however, seems a very long way off and should not present any danger within your lifetimes. Again over a long period of time sea levels will rise quite substantially, so that the low lying areas of the coast will become uninhabitable. With the advancements in “early warning” equipment there is no reason why people should get caught out unexpectedly.
Having lifted your thoughts to such heights it is somewhat sad to have to return to more mundane matters. However, as Lightworkers you still have your individual challenges to deal with, and having stepped upon a new path, must take every opportunity to spread the Light. Hitherto you have been encouraged to speak with people at their level of understanding, but now Ascension is in sight and relatively speaking – time is short. So expand upon that which you would not do normally, and be assured that a seed of knowledge planted now, may bear fruit in time to come.
Certainly if a soul has the potential to go all the way to Ascension, their Guides will do their best to move them onto the right path. What is coming is a chance not to be missed, as it otherwise means starting another cycle with no guarantee of Ascension. However, as you have been informed before, no knowledge is wasted or lost, and what you learn in one incarnation is carried forwards into the next one.
For some souls the thought that they are not their body seems rather scary, and the question arises as to what you really are when out of the body. Whether you have left your body temporarily, as most do during their sleep, or have “died” to it you will find yourself outside of it appearing to still be in your physical body. You may even find yourself looking down upon your physical body that is fast asleep. If you happen to have “died” you will quickly leave that scene and be greeted by those who have been awaiting your arrival in the higher level, and that is the key to your experience.
Once you leave your physical body you immediately find yourself in another identical body of self. However, what is so different now is that the “new” body, called the etheric body, whilst being identical to your physical body, is a finer version that is vibrating higher, and not afflicted with any illness or deficiencies that you may have been carrying. It would seem as though you have been completely rejuvenated, and can “think” changes to your body such as becoming younger again in appearance, and without any disabilities whatsoever that you may have had previously.
Those souls that fully understand “life after death” realize that death is nothing to be feared, and your friends and relatives will know when you are expected on “the other side” and be ready to greet you. So much mystery and fear has been built up around death and most likely by those who have had a difficult passing. Yet death itself is like taking off one suit of clothes for another. Passing over is in no way traumatic or painful and it is so easy many souls do not even realize that they have “died.”
To remove all of the misrepresentation of the facts is difficult, because many souls have been brought up to think differently, and since the power of thought is so strong, you will initially experience death as you believe it will be. If you are an Atheist all that will happen is that you will know that you are still alive, but otherwise experience “nothing” until your thoughts open up to other possibilities. There is still much to be made known, and if you find it too much to accept, simply set it aside ready to come back to when you are able to re-consider it. One thing is certain, that whatever comes your way the truth will always remain when all else has passed by.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
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