In the higher realms there is no hierarchy, as St. Francis, channeled by Linda Dillon, reminds us:
“As you often hear us say on this side, there is no hierarchy – and there is no hierarchy in form either.
“Just as the animal kingdom has attended to each of you, fed you, physically, emotionally, spiritually, so it is your responsibility as humans to do the same for them… and the flowers and the trees and the mountains and the stones – and each other.” (1)
In the Eternal flow, the Love, we naturally take care of each other.
There is no such thing as lack of self-worth, lack of self-love, or not being attended to.
Everyone and everything is worthy.
By extending gratitude to self and others,
we expand our self-worth and self-Love.
I find the more I surrender and forgive everything, the more I value myself — I Am Gratitude, I Am Joy, I Am Worthy — and everyone else, too.
In appreciation for one’s own worth, we naturally extend it out to everyone, just as the Council of Love’s definition of charity with St. Francis in The New You by Linda Dillon points to:
“[Charity:] The genuine ability to share all things, material, spiritual and emotional. Based in the true understanding that there is always enough for all to thrive and we are all richer in the joint expression of sharing. A heart-felt need to be generous. Knowing knowledge and gifts are never intended solely for one person.”
St. Francis, one of our Ascended Masters who knows what it’s like to be human, goes on to say:
“Charity is never an effort or a burden, it is quintessential joy. You share because it is joyous, such as saying to a friend, ‘look at that bird.’ You both gaze and smile. You have both shared that unique moment which will never occur again.” (2)
In the meditation below, Archangel Gabrielle asks us to feed our tri-flames “some gratitude, some love”:
Archangel Gabrielle:
“You and we and this perfect tri-flame are a family united in heart, in love.
“Don’t try to merge your flames; feel them unique and beautiful, each bringing forth qualities, aspects, energies of your unique divinity and feel this phenomenal gratitude for yourself, for the brilliant, bright angel that you, are having the courage and the valour and that enormous sense of adventure to assume form and to walk the planet during this time of enormous change and at times enormous challenge.
“Feed your tri-flame some gratitude, some love, and feel it begin to burn more brightly, and as these dancing flames flicker, feel them joining each other, dancing like the eternal tango, embracing one another, not overshadowing but simply conjoining at the base and twirling around each other.
“It is not something you direct, it is something you are allowing and observing and enjoying. Feel them embrace one another in the gentlest knowing, in the most exuberant excitement of being ignited this way as a unified field of your brilliant tri-flame and keep it burning brightly in the center of this beautiful rose.
“Don’t let a day go by that you don’t visit and ignite and dance with your tri-flame, your essence of the Father/Mother/You.” (3)
We are opening up to new ways of charity — to receive, to give, to share in joy, in gratitude for sacred purpose — where all are taken care of in the unified field.
Our Nova Earth is where the homeless have sacred space and being an addict is not a crime, where we value each other and are naturally creative finding ways to take care of each other.
I Am Charity. I Am Joy. I Am Gratitude for self, for all, each of us a unique part of the beautiful tapestry, our creation, Nova Earth.
In the message below, Archangel Michael tells us we are bringing forth what we know to be our expression of divinity, beauty, joy, “the truth of the new tomorrow”:
“You are the revolution. You are the change. You are the hope.
“Do I give you encouragement? Do I give you my hope, my truth? I give it to you, but let us reassure you, we also draw from you. You are one of the reasons that we celebrate.
“So often they say, ‘Show us the change.’ But my beloved friends, you are the change.
“You do not sit in a corner of darkness waiting. No, you put your head to the sun and you create. And that is the truth of the new tomorrow.
“You are already inhabitants of the Cities of Light. You are the architects. You are the builders. You are the plumbers. You are the electricians.
“The most remarkable thing about the future Cities of Light that anchor in your now is the beauty, the clarity, the sweetness, the unity. That whether it is city, a metropolis, or a healing temple in the woods – it matters not.
“You are bringing forth what you know to be your expression of your divinity, of your beauty, of your joy.
He says no one can be “forgotten” or “by-passed” because everyone has guardian angels to help us “pave the way”:
“Are you forgotten and by-passed? Not in the slightest.
“We have begun this day by speaking about the limited ideation that so many have of guardian angels. Now, you are an independent generation and we love this about you. But you also understand about interdependence. And that interdependence, dear heart, extends to us.
“Ask your guardians for help. Ask them to pave the way – and each of you has a different way, a different meaning, a different understanding of what ‘pave the way’ means. That is what is so glorious and splendid about you.
“You are not going with previously defined ways. You are creating the new, and we are overjoyed to be in your company.” (4)
To finish, Dan Pallotta in the YouTube below brings forth innovative ideas, how to re-think our concept of charities.
He echoes Archangel Michael, saying if we encourage the groups running our charities not to operate “with previously defined ways,” we can solve our world’s biggest problems, so all are attended to.
(1) “St. Francis on Community and Stewardship,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, June 23, 2017, httpss://
(2) “The New You: Emerging Into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness,” by Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, page 250, 2013
(3) “I Am in Love with You,” channelled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, February 19, 2017,
(4) “Archangel Michael: The Life of an Archangel,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, July 21, 2015, httpss://