Steve is on vacation until Jan. 11, 2018
One year after the heart opening (i.e., March 2016), I had a deep experience of peace. Here are notes from that experience.
I post these descriptions of experiences, not to be self-serving serving, but to shine a light on what is possible at this time.
Continuing with my Ascension diary, yesterday I had what was for me a deep spiritual experience.
I went down to a level of peace I had not known before and never suspected existed. I learned so much and nearly broke off the experience to record what I was seeing. But this time I didn’t. This time I stayed with it.
One thing I saw was that my experience was confirming what I’d said earlier about bliss.
I used to think that we went from Enlightenment 1, which has this special quality, to Enlightenment 2, which has this other special quality, etc. But in my experience of spiritual evolution (and these are evolutionary times), it simply doesn’t work that way.
What actually happens is that in the area in which our efforts are concentrated (peace, bliss, love, etc.), we just keep going deeper and deeper into that state.
Archangel Michael confirmed that with me, when he said: “The experience of true expansion of interdimensionality, of coming to touch, embrace and begin to explore the breadth of your soul design … will anchor deeper and deeper until it is simply a state of being.” (1) [My italics.] That certainly describes what’s happening.
I’ve currently been going deeper and deeper into bliss. But I could have chosen any other divine state to penetrate: As the Company of Heaven have said repeatedly, all the divine states like love, bliss, and peace have no end. (2) Nothing divine has a beginning or an end.
Another example would be those whose enlightenment experiences take in Light. They start by seeing the discrete Light of the Self, then the deeper Light of the Mother in all creation, and finally the transcendent light of the Father, beyond creation. They go deeper and deeper into Light.
Deeper experiences of peace, bliss, and Light all illustrate how our enlightenment process is one of continually deepening – or rising, if you prefer that metaphor.
In the deep experience of peace yesterday, I felt increasing stability and confidence. And then it hit me again, because I’ve spoken about this before as well. (3)
The deep peace I was feeling was … yes, you got it … normal.
All the stress we pack into ourselves of a day? Not normal. The stress-free state is normal.
All the ambition, competition, and anxiety we feel in the “rat race” our lives have become? Not normal.
All the testosterone and pheromones and continual focus on “getting laid,” etc.? Not normal. Love is normal. Sex per se is normal. But the sexual lengths today’s society goes to won’t help me end up in a place that feels normal and they certainly won’t lead me to bliss. (4)
And I could go on. What we’ve considered normal all these years, I say, is not normal if by “normal” one means “in our natural state.” Stress is not normal; covetousness is not; lust is not. When we’re stressed, we’re not peaceful. When we’re covetous, we’re very much attached. When we’re lusting, love cannot express itself. None of these lead to lasting satisfaction.
But bliss does.
Our society appears to enjoy going to the extremes of emotion, reason, experience. It’s as if we need a fix of sensationalism to make our lives enjoyable. “Extreme” has even become a sports buzzword.
But the rapid swing from an extreme of hate, say, to an extreme of dysfunctional clinging is not centered, grounded, or balanced. It’s not normal.
The more peaceful I get, the more normal I feel. I think this may be what’s meant by the teachers when they say that we’re remembering who we are. This process of increasingly becoming and feeling normal is like a process of remembering. In many ways. I’m re-member-ing myself, putting myself back together again after a lifetime of being abnormal, along with almost everyone else in society.
It’s also like remembering in another way. A great deal of our knowledge – especially of the new – is metaphorical. I think the use of the term “remembering” is metaphorical. I choose to see my returning knowledge using the metaphor “unfolding.”
But the wordless process that both terms point to is functionally the same. I did not have knowledge of myself one moment; the next moment I did. And the process that occurred to restore that knowledge is unknown. I see it through the metaphoric filter of “unfoldment.” But another will understand it using a different metaphor.
“Normal” is probably seen by most people as plain vanilla, colorless, lackluster. Nonetheless, being “normal” – being centered, grounded, and balanced – is for me the gateway to bliss.
The energies right now are higher than I’ve ever experienced them. The bar is low. A child could hop across it. In fact a child would hop across it if it recognized it, leaving us in the dust. Fasten on to any blissful thought or feeling and ride it to….
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, through Linda Dillon, June 7, 2015.
(2) For instance, “God is Love, and all of His divine creation is contained within Love’s infinite field which is eternal, limitless, and boundless.” (Jesus via John Smallman, Feb. 20, 2014, at
(3) “Welcome to the New Normal. You’re It,” at
(4) And I grew up in the Free Love era of the early 1970s so I had ample experience of all manner of experiments. Broke my marriage in half. Bored me within a very short time. No lasting reward there. Lots of regrets.
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