Universal Law is a creation of the Mother to help us align with the Divine Mind, Heart, and Will — how things work in the higher realms — the knowing of a higher level of ethics and lovingkindness.
When we align with our sacred purpose, we align with the eternal flow in the balance of joy, peace, Love, the higher vibrations and frequencies of sheer energy.
Our Planetary Logos and Keeper of Universal Law, Sanat Kumara, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, tells us:
“Do not limit yourself and this purpose. This sacred mission is the core of Who You Are and who you have always been, so enjoy it.
“Enjoy this information and this knowing, and allow, and if it’s a term such as pathfinder or healer or artist or communicator, ask for expansion of that knowing.” (1)
We are witnessing a global shift to right alignment with the Love.
In the discovery of our collective sacred purpose – our joyful and peaceful collective Ascension – we are embracing higher ways of being and assisting the Mother in the restoration of Her Plan of Love, the rebirth of humanity in Divine Alignment.
The teachings of the Council of Love tell us all energy that emerges from the Heart of One has sacred purpose, expression, and direction — every atom, every subatomic particle — everything throughout the Universe.
As we move into the higher realms of consciousness, we’re coming to understand heart consciousness, heart knowing, Divine Sacred Purpose.
When we invoke the Universal Law of Sacred Purpose, we’re asking for clarity of our purpose, clarity of our expression in this lifetime, for alignment with the Love.
When we’re in alignment with our sacred purpose, the feeling is of being in the flow, in harmonious Divine Creation, in joy.
An Invocation
for the Universal Law of Sacred Purpose
I invoke Sanat Kumara, Planetary Logos,
and the Universal Law of Sacred Purpose
for clarity of sacred mission and purpose.
Often we find obstacles along our journey that help us release everything within our being that is not of love, such as all gender inequality within and without.
These obstacles are gifts, keys to help us become consciously aware of the blockages, the entrenched beliefs not of love, and our sorrows and fears so we may move into the flow, truly knowing our Divine Sacred Purpose.
We can feel — our ego can feel — afraid, but when we reassure, Love and appreciate our ego, mental bodies, and emotional bodies, we begin to operate in the higher vibrations and frequencies, and the bringing of our ego into balance occurs, so we can be the embodiment of our sacred purpose.
Feeling and letting go the old ways of doubt, judgement, anxiety, worry, anger, fear, limitation, with trust and forgiveness — understanding the false grids or entrenched old beliefs, and our core issues or mental emotional constructs not of love — moves us into the flow of our Divine sacred purpose, the energy of peace, Love, and joy.
The Universal Law of Sacred Purpose helps us to discover, to know the essence, the uniqueness of who we have chosen to be – our mission, our purpose, our plan within the Mother’s Divine Plan.
Below are 3 posts — Thank you, Janine — celebrating shifts to right alignment, gender equality and healing.
Women Who Violate Tehran Dress Code
Won’t Be Arrested, for the First Time in Nearly 40 Years

Twitter/My Stealthy Freedom
By Imogen Calderwood, Global Citizen, December 29, 2017
Police in the Iranian capital will relax the strict Islamic code.
For nearly 40 years, women in Iran have faced being arrested for failing to observe the conservative country’s strict Islamic dress code.
But now, police in the capital city of Tehran have announced that they will no longer detain women who violate the code — which includes a ban on nail varnish, heavy makeup, and loose headscarves.
It comes after decades of struggle from Iranian women, including protests and demonstrations, which has seen a surge from millennials in recent years, largely thanks to social media.
“Those who do not observe the Islamic dress code will no longer be taken to detention centres, nor will judicial cases be filed against them,” said Tehran’s police chief General Hossein Rahimi, quoted by the “Sharq” newspaper.
Previously, women who break the dress code have typically been held by police, reported the Independent.
Their families are called to bring them a change of clothes, and they are required to sign a form saying they won’t violate the dress code again.
“Based on a society-oriented, educational approach, the police will not arrest those who don’t respect Islamic values,” said Hossein Rahimi, according to Iran’s official Islamic Republic News Agency. “It will instead educate them.”
According to reports, women who fail to observe the dress code will instead have to attend classes on “Islamic values” given by police. Women who offend repeatedly could be subject to legal action, and the easing of the dress code only applies within the capital.
Since Iran’s Islamic revolution established conservative rule in 1979, women have had to cover their hair and wear long, loose garments, alongside other restrictive rules.
Other sexist laws ban women from attending men’s sporting matches , in part because politicians believe women shouldn’t hear men swear, and prevent women from travelling abroad without the permission of a male relative.
The dress code also applies to men, who can be stopped by police if they are seen wearing shorts or going shirtless.
Some questions are being asked about how effectively the change will be implemented, according to reports, as those opposed to easing these rules still dominate Iran’s security forces and judiciary system.
The country is beginning to see a shift towards the moderate, under President Hassan Rouhani. However, some critics are questioning how big of a change the announcement about the dress code in Tehran really is.
“They should understand that in this day and age, how women dress is none of their business,” Iranian activist Masih Alinejad wrote on Instagram . “This is a small victory but a victory nevertheless. But our true victory is when compulsory hijab is abolished.”
Global Citizen campaigns to end laws that discriminate against women around the world, including through the #LeveltheLaw campaign. You can join by taking action here.
Iceland Starts 2018 in Style
by Making Gender Pay Gap Illegal

Flickr / © European Union 2015 – European Parliament
By Phineas Rueckert, Global Citizen, January 2, 2018
Iceland plans to end the gender pay gap by 2022.
It’s 2018, and Iceland is taking its New Year’s Resolution very seriously.
On Monday, Jan. 1, Iceland became the first country to officially codify equal pay for men and women — taking a major step toward closing the gender pay gap. The new law will require government offices and private businesses greater than 25 people to obtain a government certificate stating that they carry out equal pay policies, or else risk being fined or audited, BBC reported.
According to the BBC, the law will extend not only to equal pay for women, but also to all individuals regardless of “race, religion, disability, occupational disability, age, and sexual orientation.”
Iceland has been named the top country for gender equality by the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index nine years running. Despite this, women in the country made about 16% less than men, on average, in 2016, according to government statistics.
“Women have been talking about this for decades and I really feel that we have managed to raise awareness, and we have managed to get to the point that people realise that the legislation we have had in place is not working, and we need to do something more,” Dagny Osk Aradottir Pind, who is on the board of the Icelandic Women’s Rights Association, told Al Jazeera.
Since 2006, when Iceland began to record gender wage gap statistics, the country has managed to close the gap by about 10%, according to Al Jazeera.
Read More: 7 Feminist Laws Iceland Has That the World Needs
Iceland is now the only country in the world to make equal pay for men and women compulsory, according to IB Times.
Other countries have, however, instituted laws aimed at reducing the gender pay gap. Austria, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, and Portugal all require “pay data reporting,” wherein employers are required to send gender data to the government, according to the Center for American Progress, a left-leaning think-tank. France and Sweden require employers to review their pay practices each year, and in Luxembourg, companies greater than 15 people are required to employ an “equality delegate” to oversee gender equality policies in the workplace.
Global Citizen campaigns on the Global Goals for Sustainable Development, including goal number five: gender equality.
You can join us and call on governments around the world to #LevelTheLaw for women and girls.
‘Sesame Street’ Just Got $100 Million
to Help Refugee Kids

Fund for the Arts/Flickr
By David Brand, Global Citizen, December 21, 2017
The program will provide educational content and emotional support for refugees.
Thanks to a $100 million grant, Big Bird, Elmo, and the Cookie Monster are heading to the Middle East to help educate refugee kids and address the “toxic stress” affecting families in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria.
Sesame Street and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) beat out nearly 2,000 applicants for the MacArthur Foundation’s 100&Change competition, which awarded the grant based on the proposal’s promise of “real and measurable progress in solving a critical problem of our time.”
In their proposal, Sesame Street and IRC presented an early childhood development intervention that will combine free educational content on TV and mobile devices with home visits and health outreach to help displaced families foster nurturing and stimulating environments for their children.
The comprehensive program will reach roughly 9.4 million kids and 800,000 caregivers with daily text messages and links to audio and video content designed to improve literacy and math skills as well as socioemotional resilience, the MacArthur Foundation reported.
MacArthur Foundation President Julia Stasch said Sesame Street and IRC won the competition because they targeted early childhood development and education, areas overlooked by traditional aid funding.
“We are compelled to respond to the urgent Syrian refugee crisis by supporting what will be the largest early childhood intervention program ever created in a humanitarian setting,” Stasch said.
According to UNESCO, countries experiencing conflict spend just 3.2% of their national budgets on education, well below the global average of 5%. Stasch said only about 2% of humanitarian aid funding targets education.
As the number of refugees rises to record levels, education funding has become even more important.
More than half of the 22.5 million people refugees in 2016 came from Syria, Afghanistan, and South Sudan the United Nations High Commission on Refugees reported earlier this year. About 5.4 million people have fled Syria and settled in nearby countries like Turkey and Lebanon while another 6.1 million remain internally displaced within Syria, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
To Sesame Street, their proposal is a step toward bridging the opportunity gap between refugee children and the kids watching Bert and Ernie from the comfort of their couches.
“Today, we’re facing the greatest humanitarian crisis of our time—the refugee crisis,” Sesame Street said. “That’s why Sesame Street and the International Rescue Committee have teamed up to bring invaluable early learning, laughter, and hope to millions of children who need it most.”
Global Citizen campaigns on ensuring access to education, safety, and equal opportunities for all children. You can take action here to support refugee children.
An Invocation
for the Universal Law of Sacred Purpose
I invoke Sanat Kumara, Planetary Logos,
and the Universal Law of Sacred Purpose
for clarity of sacred mission and purpose.

Writing Love with St. Germaine and the Torch of the Violet Flame
(1) “Sanat Kumara Explains the 1st Universal Law, the Law of Purpose,” channel Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, August 13, 2013, https://counciloflove.com/2013/08/sanat-kumara-explains-the-1st-universal-law-the-law-of-purpose/
Our Planetary Logos and Keeper of Universal Law, Sanat Kumara:
“All energy that emerges from the heart of One, in whatever form, has sacred purpose, expression, direction, and that is also connected to your completion and continuity.
“The Sacred Purpose Law is the understanding in the Universal sense that: the purpose of All existence is to Love, to be of joy and find your way back Home, but in that and within that — so there are many clauses to this Law — is: What is your sacred purpose? How does your purpose, your expression in this lifetime as a fragment of your broader journey, align with the Law of Love?”