DECEMBER 31,2017
Greetings and a very happy New Year holiday to all. 2018 will indeed be a new year because you have brought the energy of enlightenment to the forefront in many areas. Try not to judge world events or process the outer scene during this new year from the level of third dimensional beliefs.
This now moment is a new time, one in which many cherished concepts and beliefs are being recognized for what they really are–self serving, righteous, and fully based in separation. Old and dense energy cannot survive in the presence of the higher frequencies of Light now flooding Gaia herself and those upon her who are receptive.
Energies from centuries of un-awakened consciousness remain stored in certain physical locations just as it is held in personal cellular memory until somehow cleared. The higher frequencies of spiritual evolution now becoming more and more dominant are acting to automatically dissolve much of that which is of a lower resonance. (Imagine a spot light focused into a dark cave.) This is why at a certain point in everyone’s evolutionary journey, karma simply no longer exists. Karma is simply energetic alignment and not so much “pay back” as many believe.
Fire is one of the ways that Gaia releases and clears long stored dense energy. She has chosen to ascend and it is the free will choice of every individual as to whether or not they go with her. Not all energies being cleared by Gaia are old , many are being created in each moment by those still fully enmeshed in the third dimensional belief system.
It is a powerful time of awakening for all who have chosen to accept this gift. Individuals are often not consciously aware of having made the choice to ascend because it was done pre-birth, or on some deeper level of which the person is not aware. These dear ones often see their lives fall apart according to human concepts and do not understand what is happening or why. However, the loss of human “good” is often the only thing that will open an individual to leaving three dimensional complacency.
Always remember that change is nothing to fear because nothing real is or ever can be dissolved. It is only the false concept of something that disappears allowing for a purer and better form of its spiritual reality to manifest. Ignorantly, much of the world mistakenly tries to hold on to the ideas, relationships, employment, and things that it is familiar and is comfortable with, refusing to allow them to expand into more.
Once a soul chooses to awaken and evolve, there can be no going back to an outgrown state of consciousness. A person cannot go back asleep once he begins to awaken to deeper truths. It is every person’s birthright to at some point remember who and what they are and when the process begins it is impossible to “un-remember” or go back to a time when things seemed simpler, although many try.
Mankind has asked and prayed for this shift but most imagined it as a wand of light descending from on high that would change everything unpleasant and remove all the “bad” guys. No dear ones, you are the ones doing the work. It is the consensus consciousness of mankind that creates the outer scene. That is why it is important not to flow your power to discordant appearances but rather hold to the reality behind all things. The Light you hold and flow adds Light to the universal consciousness. You are the creators creating the new world
You knew and excitedly anticipated being a part of the ascension process before incarnating into this lifetime but once in third dimensional energy did not remember which has caused the good intentions of many to get lost in the illusions of material sense. Many desirous of being here at this time were not permitted to come. You are here because you are evolved enough to assist with this transition in some way. You have gifts to offer, be they as seemingly simple as kindness and consideration to those around you who may have never experienced love.
Arcturian Group wishes to speak about this coming year in which much will be rising to the surface. The top layers of energetic debris have been cleared which will lay open much that has been long hidden– ancient and dense energies. Try not to fall into fear if or when outer appearances tempt you to doubt or resist. Resistance of any kind simply adds the power of reality to some illusion.
Take time every day, even several times a day to go within and center. Practice unconditional love in the ordinary experiences of each normal day. As you do this, you are building a consciousness of empowerment, one that is the only safety and security you need. In this new year, the intensity of Light will serve to expose much that will tempt you to question and feel emotions of hopelessness.
You are strong and powerful beings of Light here at this time not only to add Light to universal consciousness but to hold and carry this Light with you everywhere you go which in turn helps dissolve whatever lower resonating energies are present. At a certain point in the spiritual journey “protective work” becomes obsolete because there is the realization that there is nothing real you need protect yourself from. The Light of your own attained state of consciousness is your protection.
You are ready to reclaim your power with regard to all aspects of your life–physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. You have done the work, listen to your intuition, and are well prepared even if you do not think so, to courageously monitor, choose, and trust yourself to make decisions, take action, and if necessary separate yourself from whatever three dimensional concepts are pushed at you from family, friends, experts, leaders, or religious authorities.
This is going to be a year of exposure allowing many to recognize the hidden intentions and goals of those seeking to promote fear and annihilate the Light. Be ready to understand what appearances represent, not allowing yourselves to be fooled into thinking that the ascension process has failed. Ascension into the higher frequencies of light will not happen for those who may not yet be ready for it, but will happen for all who are prepared and desirous of it.
Know that legions of heavenly Beings of Light stand ready to guide and assist all who are open to it at this time. Many from the other side and other planetary societies are simply observing, for it is a grand event to have a dimensional shift take place while those upon her remain in physical bodies. You are being watched, guided, and loved with great intensity.
Never believe that you are alone, for you are ever connected to Source by virtue of being the expression of IT. Divine energies are ever present, only awaiting the individual recognition and acceptance that will allow them to manifest.
You cannot fail for Divine Consciousness is what you are. You can delay spiritual evolution for as long as you wish because free-will allows you freedom of choice. Some have chosen not to awaken at this particular time, but these dear ones are not your concern nor do you have a duty to “save” them even if they are a partner, friend or relative. It may not yet be their time to awaken and well intended interference in their choice can actually delay their process.
Our message for this new year is that you be prepared by virtue of your inner work, to stand firmly in truth as appearances representing old and obsolete states of consciousness manifest. There will be occasions when the temptation to doubt will be strong.
An enlightened state of consciousness holds an energetic shield and sword as is represented in images of Archangel Michael, for courage and bravery are his energetic gifts. This enables an individual to stand strong and fearless in the face of any and all appearances, fully aware of the nothingness of anything formed of false concepts and beliefs.
God alone is power.
We are the Arcturian Group 12/31/17