Voice of Freedom.ca, Dec. 27, 2017
On An Hour With An Angel, December 18th, Archangel Michael asked us to send an aspect of ourself to Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Israel, Turkey or Saudi Arabia, not a physical aspect, but a mighty warrior aspect of ourself:
“Not to partake in the melee, but to simply be the beacon of peace, the beacon of Love, the beacon of hope in at least one of these upheaval war-torn places.”
He said to hold a position in a place of power or a place of poverty and squalor, and to think of ourself with his sword and shield, or a beacon of light, transmitting the energy of peace.
Below Archangel Michael goes into detail about the lack of peace what he calls “an unholy and ungodly mess” — tribalism, hatred, greed, protectionism, separation, isolation, lack, limitation, abuse of power, control — in the Middle East:
“The Middle East which is simply what? It is an area of Gaia that has been sectioned off and divided up into little squares or oblongs. This is not of truth. It is of tribalism. It is of hatred and greed. It is of the ultimate form of protectionism, of separation, of isolation, of lack and limitation.
“And what does this create? It has created an unholy and ungodly mess in which every faction, every faction is jockeying for power. And we say power, not in the true divine sense of stewardship or leadership or the right use of the will. We might as well say ‘abuse of power’ because it is about control.”
Archangel Michael says what we are seeing in the Middle East, and particularly in Yemen is “a level of abuse” that is terrible, not related in any way to Source, God, One:
“It is about keeping self-interest. And even when you say that this is a national interest, this is protected certain faiths or beliefs, that is not so. It is about control. And you are seeing, particularly the example of Yemen, of murder and mayhem, of starvation and disease.
“How does this contribute to the well-being of the people, regardless of what they call faith? Whether it is Hindu or Muslim, Christian or Jew. It does not reflect faith. It reflects limitation. It reflects a level of abuse that is so terrible that there is an allowance, a political allowance, to allow people to starve to death, to allow children to go without help.
“How can this possibly be of anything that is related to believe in Source, God, One?
“How can this possibly be related to love or peace, within or without?”
The chaos in the Middle East, Archangel Michael says is, “coming to the forefront to be observed” — especially the role of the victim:
“The jockeying for power, yes, is the chaos absolutely coming to the forefront to be observed. But the price. The price of those who do not participate in the chaos, who are simply victims, and yes, they are playing the role of victims, suffering for where they have been positioned geographically is an abomination. And it is an abomination that has need to come to conclusion.
“Many of you say — and I thank you — that you send peace to this area and to all areas of beloved Gaia every day and to those who manipulate, control. And we urge you whether it is a Sunday evening meditation or Wednesday morning love. It matters not.
“Continue to do your work. And, many of you who say, ‘I do not know what else to do,’ but who awake with bruises and scrapes and exhaustion and you do not know where they came from. You are with me in these efforts to anchor peace upon this beloved planet and within the hearts of each and every human being.”
In some ways, we could say the Middle East could be viewed as a reflection of our own inner chaos, lack of peace, lack of honouring the Divine Masculine and Feminine within. We are seeing without, what we unconsciously hold within.
Archangel Michael wants us to know he is with us all the time, helping us to individually anchor peace within, and we are also greatly assisted by our star family’s Porlana C sheer energy.
“So, it does not matter whether you are in Mosul or the Wailing Wall, you are with me. And you are attempting and helping and doing the anchoring of this essence, of this elusive quality called peace.
“Your beloved brothers of the star systems, the various forces who have been simply saturating every one of you and your planet with Porlana C, catching bombs, acting as boots on the ground in some of the most war-torn places – they are not simply restricted these days to the places where there are sanctuaries. All of this has assisted.”
As humans, invoking Archangel Michael, Sanat Kumara, and the Universal Laws of Change, Transmutation, and Elimination, is a very effective way to be that peace within, Nova Being, Gaian.
“But it is also the human factor, the Gaian factor. As you are rising up both in your own nations, your own communities and that the collective of Lightworkers and Love holders and saying, declaring and holding the vision and the actuality. If it is not of peace, if it is not of love, it is anathema. It is to be avoided.
“It has need to be destroyed by the Universal Law of Limitation and Elimination and the Universal Law of Transmutation and the Universal Law of Change. Any Universal Law that you can think of. But it must be accompanied by the physical presence of being that energy, of being the energy of peace.”
Archangel Michael wants us to do the inner work — to come to that place of peace, of honouring all parts of our selves within — and to send an aspect of ourselves to “be the beacon of peace, the beacon of love, the beacon of hope in at least one of these upheaval war-torn places.”
“I am not asking you, I am not inviting you, I am not even closely suggesting that you in fact hop on a plane and go to Yemen or Syria or Afghanistan or Israel or Turkey of all the places that are affected, including Saudi Arabia. This is not restricted to one player or one belief system or one nation. It is all of these.
“I’m not suggesting that you place yourself in these nations – physically going. But what I am suggesting is something that I have not asked of you before. Send an aspect of yourself, not a physical aspect, but a mighty warrior aspect of yourself – not to partake in the melee, but to simply be the beacon of peace, the beacon of love, the beacon of hope in at least one of these upheaval war-torn places.”
He says we know how to do this — integrate/forgive/honour the strength, the presence, the Divine Authority of all of who we are — all aspects of ourselves.
He says we were depleted this lifetime especially because of lack of peace within, of not honouring/Loving/forgiving all our aspects and their experiences:
“You say to me, ‘But Michael, I do not know how to do this.’ And I say to you, of course you do. I have led you through a process of integrating your aspects and have encouraged you to bring all parts of your sacred self home and to integrate these into the strength and the presence and the Divine Authority of who you are. And I am not suggesting that you deplete yourself by sending out many aspects. That is why you are depleted in the first place.
“Send a part of yourself. And if you do not know what I mean, simply think of your warrior self. Think of yourself holding my sword and shield or a beacon of light. And send that part of yourself and position your self either in a place of power or a place of poverty and squalor and simply hold and transmit the energy of peace.” (1)
I invoke Archangel Michael, Sanat Kumara,
and the Universal Laws of Change, Transmutation
and Elimination for all energy not of peace, not of love,
all gender inequality, all hatred, control, within and without.
The posts below could be viewed as illustrations, reflections of lack of peace within — perceived relationship failures, not honouring our victim, masculine, feminine, all parts, all aspects of our selves, all journeys, past and present — in the interconnectedness of everything.
As we come to peace within,
the reflection globally can, too.
Nova Being/Nova Earth is peace.
Jerusalem – for Christians, Jews and Muslims –
is Both a City and an Idea
By Giles Fraser, The Guardian, December 17, 2017

Relief of Roman troops carrying away the menorah from the Temple at Jerusalem, at the Forum in Rome. Photograph: UniversalImagesGroup/Getty
Trying to organize parish pilgrimages to the Holy Land, I have often come across church people who refuse to travel to Israel, and to Jerusalem in particular, because they do not want the reality of the place to interfere with their idea of it.
“Jerusalem the golden
With milk and honey blest…,”
they have sung in church,
“I know not, O I know not
What joys await us there,
What radiancy of glory,
What bliss beyond compare.”
No town can ever live up to that sort of billing. The reality is always going to be more prosaic. Which is why those who do make the pilgrimage can sometimes feel a little deflated by the sheer everydayness of the place – the shops, the traffic, the traffic wardens, and all the paraphernalia of a bustling tourist industry.
For Jews this disconnect can feel even sharper, given that for nearly 2,000 years Jerusalem was a hope and a promise – but not a place to actually live in. Indeed, much of the literature of the Hebrew Bible took shape in that period, even further back in time, when the people of Israel were exiled in Babylon. “By the rivers of Babylon, we sat down and wept when we remembered Zion,” wrote the psalmist. And this Jerusalem wasn’t just nostalgia for the capital city of a united kingdom. The Temple in Jerusalem, built on the site of Jacob’s famous dream of a ladder connecting heaven and earth, was understood to be a portal between God and humanity. Like no other place on earth, this specific spot is where heaven and earth are supposed to reach out and greet each other.
Yet following the destruction of the Temple by the Romans in AD70, the Jewish people experienced nearly 2,000 years of exile from this holy place. And the idea of Jerusalem was kept alive in the constant telling and retelling. Indeed, since Jerusalem was founded, Jews have spent more time telling stories about the place than actually living in it. Which is why the very idea of being Jewish is inseparable from a yearning and a homesickness for the city of Jerusalem.
At the heart of the traditional Jewish wedding, for example, is the breaking of a glass to symbolize the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple and the making of a promise, taken from the same rivers-of-Babylon psalm, 137:
“If I forget thee O Jerusalem,
let my right hand forget its cunning:
If I do not raise thee over my own joy,
let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth.”
Vital that All Yemeni Ports Kept Open
for Aid and Commercial Vessels,
Stresses UN Humanitarian Chief

A settlement of internally displaced persons in Amran governorate, Yemen. (file) Photo: Giles Clarke for UNOCHA
UN News Centre, December 24, 2017
With close to three-fourths of all people in Yemen in need of humanitarian assistance, the United Nations top relief official has underscored the need to keep all ports open to both aid and commercial vessels so that life-saving assistance reaches those in desperate need.
“I remain deeply concerned about the ongoing crisis in Yemen, where more than 22 million people need humanitarian assistance – 8.4 million of whom are already on the edge of starvation,” said Mark Lowcock, the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, in a statement Sunday.
The conflict in the country, well into its third year, has resulted in widespread hunger, malnutrition, internal displacement, the world’s largest cholera outbreak, an alarming diphtheria outbreak and other complex humanitarian challenges.
Amid such a situation, it is essential that commercial food, medicine and fuel imports – a lifeline for millions of civilians – can flow into all ports.
Commercial food imports are needed to keep food available and affordable in markets across the country, and fuel is essential to run generators in hospitals and health facilities as well as power critical services.
Furthermore, as aid supplies are often shipped on commercial vessels, it is all the more important to keep all ports open to humanitarian and commercial vessels, added Mr. Lowcock.
“I am committed to working with all stakeholders to achieve this as a matter of urgency, and I look forward to seeing commercial imports of critical supplies stabilize at adequate levels,” he stated.
In that context, he said that he was “encouraged” by the news of the first commercial fuel imports docking on 24 December at the Hodeidah port (the closest port to the majority of Yemenis) since 6 November, while commercial food imports that resumed in recent weeks have continued.
Further in the statement, Mr. Lowcock, also the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, said that commercial imports alone will not be enough to address the vast humanitarian crisis in Yemen or to provide a sustainable solution.
“I therefore reiterate my call for all parties to the conflict to provide unconditional, sustained humanitarian access – for both staff and supplies – across the country and without interference,” he said, adding:
“I also call on all parties to the conflict to cease hostilities and engage meaningfully with the UN to achieve an inclusive, negotiated political settlement.”
Saudi Arabia Agrees to Re-open
Key Yemen Port of Hodeidah
International agencies, including the UN, have condemned the blockade, which has left millions unable to receive aid.

The key Yemeni port of Hodeidah. The blockage was cutting off aid to thousands, the UN said. Photograph: STR/AFP/Getty Images
By Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic Editor, The Guardian, December 21, 2017
Saudi Arabia appears to have succumbed to growing international pressure and agreed to re-open the key Yemeni port of Hodeidah to food aid and commercial fuel for a minimum of 30 days.
Aid agencies, including the UN, have been warning that a month-long blockade on the port was cutting off aid to nearly 70% of those desperately in need of humanitarian relief. The Saudi-led coalition intervened in March 2015 to defeat Houthi rebels and restore the UN-recognised government of President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, but neither of those objectives has been met, and the war recently dragged past its 1,000th day.
Saudi Arabia has previously promised to open the ports, but a further closure within the 30-day period would cause a major political problem, not just for Yemen, but also UK-Saudi relations.
In a statement published on the Saudi government-run news agency, the coalition leadership said: “The port of Hodeidah will remain open for humanitarian and relief supplies and the entry of commercial vessels, including fuel and food vessels, for a period of 30 days.”
UK government officials said ministers had presented operational details to Saudi officials on ships waiting for clearance, and this had helped lift restrictions on three commercial food ships and one fuel ship.
The officials said the first fuel vessel to be cleared to enter Hodeidah in over a month was due to dock in the next 24 hours. Fuel is vital to pump water, transport food and mill grain. Yemen aid agencies on the ground also said they expected shipments to start moving shortly.
The foreign secretary Boris Johnson tweeted: “I am very pleased at today’s announcement by the Saudi-led Coalition that Hodeidah port in Yemen is open again. I have been urging this step for some time, and I hope this will start to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people and get them the supplies they desperately need.”
British ministers will be furious if the latest commitments prove worthless.
She also confirmed the Crown Prince will be visiting the UK in the New Year.
Johnson has insisted Yemen is his number one foreign policy priority, and the Saudi refusal to respond to Western pressure was beginning to cause a major diplomatic rift.
Saudi Arabia has claimed the blockade has been necessary since arms and ammunitions designed for the Houthi rebels were being smuggled onto the aid ships, requiring a tighter new UN-monitored inspections regime. No ship is allowed into Hodeidah unless the Saudis give the cargo permission to dock, and it has been claiming that most ships have not been subject to sufficient inspection.
Houthis have three times fired long-range missiles towards Riyadh, provoking international condemnation. Saudi Arabia claims the missiles are Iranian-supplied missiles, but Tehran has rejected the allegation.
Mideast Needs Two-state Solution,
Pope Says in Christmas Message

A Palestinian dressed as Santa Claus with an Israeli border police officer during a protest in the Occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem. (AP)
ARAB NEWS, December 26, 2017
VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis used his traditional Christmas address on Monday to call for peace in Jerusalem and highlight the plight of children scarred by conflict.
Tens of thousands of worshippers gathered at the Vatican to hear the pope’s fifth “Urbi et Orbi” (to the City and the World) message.
“We see Jesus in the children of the Middle East who continue to suffer because of growing tensions between Israelis and Palestinians,” he said.
“Let us pray that the will to resume dialogue may prevail between the parties and that a negotiated solution can finally be reached, one that would allow the peaceful coexistence of two states within mutually agreed and internationally recognized borders.
“May the Lord also sustain the efforts of all those in the international community inspired by goodwill to help that afflicted land to find, despite grave obstacles, the harmony, justice and security that it has long awaited,” the pope said.
He also mentioned other global flashpoints such as Syria, Iraq, Yemen, South Sudan and Venezuela, and said the “winds of war are blowing in our world. Let us pray that confrontation may be overcome on the Korean Peninsula and that mutual trust may increase in the interest of the world as a whole,” the 81-year-old said.
Earlier, celebrating midnight mass in Jerusalem, Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa, apostolic administrator of the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, attacked the wars that “the Herods of today fight every day to become greater, to occupy more space.”
In a criticism of the US recognition this month of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, the archbishop said: “Jerusalem is a city of peace, but there is no peace if someone is excluded. Jerusalem should include, not exclude.”
Meanwhile, both Christians and Muslims throughout the Middle East celebrated the day. In the central Syrian city of Homs, there was great fanfare for the first time in years after the end of battles between regime and opposition forces — with processions, shows for children and even decorations among the ruins.
In Iraq, too, this year marked a positive turning point for the Christian community in the northern city of Mosul.
Muslims in Pakistan not only took part in Christmas festivities, but also hosted celebrations for their Christian friends and neighbors.
Throughout the country, Christian residential areas were bedecked with Christmas trees, stars and baubles. The bazaars in major cities, adorned with festive wreaths, were buzzing with last-minute shoppers.
Pakistan civil and military leaders extended greetings to the Christian community, and said the day underscored the teachings of patience, tolerance and kindness.
(1) Transcript: “Archangel Michael: Peace Within and Without,” channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love, December 18, 2017, https://counciloflove.com/2017/12/archangel-michael-peace-within-and-without/
“Archangel Michael on AHWAA on Peace Within and Without,” December 14, 2017 at https://inlightuniversal.com/archangel-michael-on-ahwaa-on-peace-within-and-without