I have two sides to my personality. One is the public communicator, the side you know, centering around the mission I serve for the Divine Mother.
This is my onstage personality. It’s a very active and productive side.
But anyone who knows me well will tell you that I have a second, offstage personality that’s intensely private and quiet, indrawn and very, very ordinary.
That offstage personality is all about awareness and beingness. It’d probably seem to most people unproductive and inactive.
My temperament is private while my work is public. This active/inactive split appears in everything I do.
As a student of awareness and beingness by temperament, how can I make my mission of public commentary work when I’m of two such different natures?
Simple. I must combine the two: I must write or communicate about awareness and beingness.
What are we aware of as we make this transition in consciousness called “Ascension”?
What’s it like to be a human being, right now? What does bliss feel like? Ecstacy?
What does it feel like to be knocked flat by a vasana of hate, fear, or dread? How do we get out of such a triggered state without causing significant collateral damage?
If I’m to communicate publicly and find myself in the public eye, then it may as well be for what I love to do anyways: Remain aware and be as openly expansive and deep as I can be in the experience of self and life.
God shows up for the devotee in the way the devotee wants, said Sri Ramakrishna. I’ve always looked for God to show up as a state of consciousness, and God has.
Not as a visible form. Not as a Light. Not even as a Void. I experience God as states of being, events in consciousness – love, bliss, ecstacy, and exaltation.
We’re all here on a specific mission, demonstrating some specific truth. My truth is about beingness, awareness, and love.
My outer mission is active and productive. But in the inner stillness and silence, I experience bliss.
Notice that I, a student of awareness, experience bliss, a state of consciousness. This seems to be the “career path” of a student of awareness.
On the awareness path, perhaps don’t expect to see God. Expect to experience states of being or consciousness like bliss, at deeper and deeper levels.
Awareness is highly dissolutive (I invented the word). It isn’t neutral at all. Paint any barrier with simple, bare awareness and the barrier will lift.
What’s revealed to the released individual are the divine states like love and bliss. These prove to be reward enough for all that has led up to their revelation.
I gravitate towards simple awareness and simple beingness, the still pond in which the Light of the Moon can be seen. (The Self is the Moon, reflecting the One or the Sun.)
This fits with the sense I have that I’m to demonstrate the stillness side of the Divine Masculine this tour of duty (1) as opposed to the creative side of the Divine Feminine.
Few of us have simply one mission. We usually have more than one. My love of beingness fits perfectly with another role I have, as a supporting character in the emergence of the Divine Feminine at this time. I’m not to be a star in this unfoldment, but rather a supporting actor.
From a position of being suppressed and subjugated to a position of being respected and welcomed to the councils of the world, women are to take the lead this time and assist us through the mess created largely by men.
I have a vested interest (a mother who was domestically beaten and sexually humiliated) in wanting to see gender equality established on this planet.
How to accomplish that is a big enough high-quality problem to keep me happily engaged over the next two weeks, wouldn’t you say? I’m off on vacation. Not going fishing or anywhere else. Just being!
Happy New Year!
(1) I cannot say “this lifetime,” since we never die.
I will be on vacation from today for two weeks recharging my batteries.
I’ve reposted some of my favorite articles. Encore editions, Suzi might say.
Please hold off writing me for this time if you’d be so kind. Many thanks to all….